
DEMAND Congressional Protections For Edward Snowden

This Hero Will "Disappear" Like Bradley Manning, Unless He Is Given Full Congressional Protections

So-called "Whistleblowers" who do the SERVICE of revealing

-Constitutional Violations

-Civil Rights Violations

-Human Rights Violations

-Violations of Oath Of Office

-Rampant Corruption and 0 Accountability of Federal Agencies, the U.S. Military and Federal Government

NEED Congressional Protections! Edward Snowden being the latest Hero to reveal the Orwellian skullduggery of the NSA (which U.S. Senators KNEW ABOUT since 2007).

This Courageous Man will in all certainly face some Life Threatening/Liberty Threatening assault from the U.S. Government from his actions. He will be locked away with his Rights Stripped and Stolen just like Bradley Manning.

We The Undersigned FIERCELY and INTENSELY DEMAND that Congress Provide IMMEDIATE Protections for Edward Snowden.

The SAME kind of Immunity all ready shown to Janet Napolitano, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Douglas Schulman, and every other Elected/Appointed Official who is allowed to "walk a crooked path" and get away with it.

(The only difference being, Edward Snowden's actions were about Benevolent Protection of the American People, NOT Malevolent Predation)