
Defund Federal Law Enforcement

Defund Federal Law Enforcement - Federal Law Enforcement is a new experiment which has failed and needs to be stopped now.

The number of militarized federal law enforcement in America has ~doubled since Obama has taken office. Do you feel safer or more oppressed?

Defund and disband federal law enforcement.

The United States of America was a safer country before the Government armed and militarized the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), National Park Service (NPS), U.S. Fish & Wildlife, and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to mention just a few agencies which have no need for law enforcement arms. In particular, the EPA has become one of the most abusive agencies, known for making up rules, then dispatching their own SWAT, fining you, and doing so without due process.

These organizations are all run by Obama appointees, and we all know that President Obama is apparent conducting subversion of the U.S. Constitution; often by Executive Order, but in many cases he's using these agencies to conduct said subversion. It's dangerous for a President like Obama to have his own militarized units, striking out at Americans, while hiding behind a badge. Federal Law Enforcement is the Police State which always precedes violent and abusive government actions throughout history around the world--Congress has the power of the purse to stop it now. Or is it really the intention of Congress to leave the problem of oppressive federal law enforcement to the growing militias in America?

The militarization of these unnecessary federal law enforcement agencies is an apparent violation of the Posse Comitatus Act, and the actions of the BLM at the Bundy Ranch were an apparent violation of the U.S. Code 43 U.S.C. Section 1733.

All law enforcement being conducted by these agencies can and should be conducted by the locally elected Sherriff; like it was before President Obama.

Defund and disband federal law enforcement.