
Declare war on cancer, protect Americans at home first.

We authorize you to declare a real war on caner at any cost.

After the attack on 9/11/01 when 2,900 people died we spent over 2 trillion dollars that may go as high as 6 trillion by the time we are done.

Since the attack nearly 8 million Americans have died from cancer while we only spent 75billion trying to protect them.

We formally request your support to declare war on cancer and protect the Americans whom you represent

We also request that our government borrow the trillions of dollars it will take to cure cancer, we authorize you to spend whatever it takes as you would in any war to win.

We ask for your support in using this countries great credit rating that we the people have earned to borrow whatever resources you need to cure cancer.

Every day you hesitate or ignore this request you are allowing another 1,500 Americans to die.

My wife is a 30 year old American citizen that has stage 4 breast cancer and I will not just sit by and let her die while we wave half mass flags in honor of 50 people dying while we let 1,500 die every day and turn a blind eye because it isn't good news.

Please help us save my wife and other Americans who don't deserve to die because we don't look for a cure.

We need trillions and not billions to find a cure, we authorize you to find a cure and show the world we are still the greatest country in the world.

All we are asking is for you to protect us from cancer and not let us die by the thousands every day. Give us a chance and the same respect you gave the 2,900 that died in 9/11 and declare war, don't stop until you find that cure hiding out in a cave somewhere. Don't let Americans die like this.

We have created and will continue building support nightly until we find real cures and not treatments that are not only killing Americans but lining the pockets of companies and for profit hospitals.

help us, please stop the senseless death of my wife and other Americans, we beg you.
