
Declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization

We the People worldwide, declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization;

Muslim Brotherhood (MB) has been the basis of Islamic fundamentalism since 1928, and its Qutbist radicalist ideology has inspired the establishment of several Islamic terrorist organizations, including Al-Qaeda. It is an established fact that members of the MB counseled a young Osama bin Laden in Saudi Arabia. Also, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,the architect of the Sept. 11 attacks, and Ayman Al-Zahairi, the current al-Qaeda leader, were members thereof and were affected by its radical ideologies on the supremacy of Islam.

Furthermore, it has been evidenced that the MB is heavily involved in the practice of terrorism in Egypt and in other countries, and has been and is financially and logistically aiding HAMAS, which is classified as a terrorist group by the United States Government, in the execution of terrorist activities against the interests of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the State of Israel and other countries in the region.

In addition, and as stated expressly and implicitly by its head figures over decades, the MB?s main aim is to substitute the secular liberalism and the values of democracy with fundamental Islamic ideologies, in the purpose of restoring the long-lost Islamic caliphate through the establishment of union of Islamic states. Therefore, suppressing minorities? rights and promoting anti-Semitism constitute a solid part of the MB?s methodology and ideology. In all the Arab countries where the Arab Spring has arrived, the various branches of the MB exploited the Arab people?s high percentage of illiteracy and/or disappointment in the corrupt secular systems which ruled over them to promote its corrupt ideas and principles, which explain its success in reaching positions of power.

However, the people of the region, as evidenced by the recent events in Egypt, have realized the error of the MB?s ways, its failure and its true purpose. After its fall and the removal of Morsi from power, the MB resorted, with the help of HAMAS and jihadist cells in the Sinai Peninsula, to launching terrorist attacks against civilians, against the Egyptian Armed Forces staff and establishments, and against the Arab Gas Pipeline. Several recorded statements made by heads of the MB confirmed that they are responsible for these attacks, and that they will keep targeting military establishments.

We believe that in order to fight an enemy, you need not only to identify it, but also to prevent it from achieving its goals by any possible means. For this reason, we believe that the inclusion of the MB on the list of terrorist groups is of extreme import. We understand that by classifying MB as a terrorist group, all donations and financial aids to them, as well and any attempts by them to access their accounts, will be blocked, thus cutting the MB from its financial resources and rendering it more difficult for it to finance its terrorist activities in Egypt the region