

Dcp&p targets and destroys good parents for sport

Upon my initiating a dcp&p investigation for my childs mother abusing drugs while pregnant with my child, the division has used an infinite amount of their corupt resources to destroy me.

Dcp&p has allowed marijuana to be smoked around my newborn for 6 months before they decided to send the grandfather to a rehab for abusing marijuana around my infant. Now 1 year later the same grandfather is once again abusing marijuana in the presence of my 21 month old child. I not only smelled marijuana in the residence but did indeed see a fair amount of billowing pot smoke lingering in the household while my child was still in the home . I reported this immediately to the dcp&p caseworker as well as the caseworkers supervisor as well as their supervisor in addition to the hotline and the office of advocacy. Dcp&p advised me they have no intention to cease the drug use in the home as the grandfather whom resides there is not the caregiver of my child .

Does dcp&p not stand for "division of Child Protection and Permanency I ask ?

I've spent many thousands of dollars only to have dcp&p manipulate my paid lawyers as well as the judges by failing to address all the important factors that would support my allegations 100%.

It appears that all local government officials including the police refuse to step in as it's somehow a conflict directly as well as indirectly. Meanwhile my child is being raised in an environment which is being allowed to have illegal drugs in the home and protected by dcp&p. I've not backed off ,or even given up my rights to fight for the privilege I am entitled to as father of my child. Prior to dcp&p's involvement I had thousands in my checking account, now I have been reduced to poverty strucken with barely enough to keep my utilities on and my mortgage paid . I am certain I'm not the only man here being unecesarilly targeted and destroyed by dcp&p. Extensive research has allowed me to get involved with many Father's Rights Groups to help gain more knowledge in recognizing dcp&p abuse against fathers. Local government is corupt, this case as well as other cases need to be very carefully scrutinized by the higher up government. Please sign this petition to help parents whom are victims as myself. My daughter will soon be 2 years old and I will for the second consecutive year be missing the opportunity to spend Christmas with my daughter. Keeping a child from her father is morally wrong on many levels.