
DCF and Family Courts are alienating grandchildren from grandparents even have a parent bond with child when placed into Foster care.

Family Court Needs Change

DCF is intentionally writing summary family reports that are not accurate to keep certain children in the Foster care program when there are other family members want to intervene and have a Best interest of the child. Family courts in Ct are working against other Family members and start the TPR process on foster family to adopt the child when the other members are qualified to get child back due to the love they have. This is travesty of aer system. Action needs to be taken immediately because it also is alienating child from family and the family court stops visitiations that causes a detrimental harm Congress need toto sange the action within DCF departments and Family Court system. A parent should have a choice to not have there child to be on a adoption deadline with only. By courts decision. That is a violation of constitional and amendment rights to never see your grandchild. Like a death sentence, Law need immediate change .