
Create Stricter Gun Laws & Regulations!

Gun violence is an epidemic in this country and it's about time we do something about it.

In the span of a mere couple of days, two shootings have occured. The first involved the death of an amazing and extremely talented singer and youtuber by the name of Christina Grimmie, 22 - she was signing autographs when she was shot and killed. The second was a LGBTQ+ targetted hate crime in which 50 people were killed and 53 were injured in a gay nightclub; this is the most people killed in a mass shooting in American history. Both occured in Orlando, Florida. These past years have seen a dramatic increase in mass shootings from San Bernardino to Charleston to Newtown to Sandy Hook Elementary School and so much more. In fact, every month this year has seen casualties of at least one mass shooting.

THIS HAS TO CHANGE. It's just a matter of time until something happens to us or our loved ones (god forbid). Gun laws NEED to change and the regulation of guns HAVE to be stricter. I'm tired of hearing about all the lives lost because of gun violence and the fact that the government could've done something about it if they actually put a plan in motion instead of addressing it, skirting around it, and playing the game of "Which Party is Better?" We, The People, are sick and tired of this cat and mouse game where we're just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Why does something bad - or in this case, too many horrific events, have to occur for the government to do something about it? The signatories and I of this petition implore you, our government, to take action against gun violence and create stricter gun laws and regulations to prevent future acts of gun violence.