

Stop CPS /DCF from stealing our children without cause.

It is all to common that CPS & DCF are stealing our children without cause or the burden of proof of their FAULS allegations. Hello my name is Kenneth John Pazanski and i'am 38 years old, i was a single father of two when my daughter decided to call cps because she was not getting her way. After a few weeks she decided to tell them she made the story up because she was angry and i wouldn't allow her to move in with an aunt she hardly knew!. 9 months later i was moving out of town and she did not want to go so she called cps, iam 38 years old and i have no criminal record no DUI's and no drug charges so when they came i invited them in because i had nothing to hide and felt cooperating would make this go fast and smooth. They started by blasting me with the most off the wall allegations so id provide tangible proof they wer fauls and as fast as id gather proof they would drop that allegation and hit me with a new one. It did not take long to realize they had an agenda. Through emails i frantically sent to the investigator because after being threatened that if i didnt give my children to family they would be placed in state homes. I frantically called and emailed the investigator after three weeks of no word,no return phone calls and no return emails so i decided to contact the senators office. They contacted captain sheer with the Bradenton Florida police department who said to have me call him because he was familiar with my case, i instantly get off the phone and call him to get his voice mail. Never returning my call that night the police busted in and grabbed the children and gave me a 1oclock placement hearing.I was glad at'least the case was moving now but confused! Scared! And frantic because i had done NOTHING WRONG. The public defender Elizabeth boil was very persistent to get me to sign and agree to the case plan admitting to guilt.GUILT OF WHAT? i refused to admit to guilt because the only thing i was guilty of is raising my kids when their mothers abandoned them. I demanded a trial and right before trial they used my ten year old as a weapon against me by tricking him into saying incriminating things and then twisting his own words up. To keep my child from going through that i did NOT go to trial and lost by default. This system of manipulation! Lying! Sneaking! Was for their agenda.PROFIT! my daughters case is still open and my sons case is now closed. Through email attempting to prove my innocence i sent the cps investigators all the proof against their allegations and warned them that there was a reason i had him to began with and begged them not to send him back to his mother. Well his mother lied saying she was single so cps sent my son home with her and when i frantically confronted the investigator asking her if she did a back round check or check her home to see if it was safe for my son , her reply was no! So to cover their own asses they decided to check his mothers house out only to find she was engaged and her boyfrien