Cps Mercer county
I have watched my daughter be threatened,lose jobs and benefits by CPS in Mercer county she lives in Kanawha county and they wouldn't allow her a worker here her older daughters are in kinship care in Mercer county for two years allowed to have tattoos body piercing and not allowed to see or talk to their Mother for two years. She had her 10 and 5 year old daughter's here in Kanawha county with no funding. They have drug tested her 451 times accusing her of being on drugs she has stage 2 stomach cancer and she has been denied treatment due to having to fight cps. While they had her in court November 16th they had the girls removed and placed in kinship with me. I asked for any kind of paper worker, motion of discovery and they couldn't or wouldn't show me anything instead the worker said either I accept the girls or they would take them elsewhere of course I accepted my granddaughters but was not told that an agency hired in Beckley would be hounding me and the girls everyday they also refused to help me out the 5 year old in school as I had medical appointments made before placement once again when asked for papers showing why it was decided they lay eyes on the girls everyday while in my care. I suggested that my daughter and I trade homes even though I own mine and she rents so the girls could be in their home and school. The worker said that would not work as I and the girls where not to have contact with me or the girls. On December 1st they showed up at my door with a Charleston officer with no paper work they took my girls at 7pm dragged them screaming through my yard the babies wanting to make it stop the officer assaulted me by slapping my phone out of my hand and shoving me. On December 3rd I had to go to the ER having chest pains on the 6th my eye doctor said that I had a stroke in my right eye. This must stop the judge she has in all her court cases is also running for the Senate in Charleston WV. Please help us as these children and our family are being abused and destroyed by Mercer county cps, guardian and the judge. Please bring our children home they missed Christmas with their Mother and they might not ever have another with her if she can't concentrate on fighting the cancer and get treatment. The last 3 month's everytime she opens an e-mail from the lawyer, guardian or cps her phone gets hacked.
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