
Congressional Pensions

Reform Pensions for Congress that is Funded by Taxpayers

There are bills sitting out there to reform or terminate the pension plans for Congress, which is funded by the taxpayers. (H.R. 2653, H.R. 2913, H.R. 2397). However, Congress refuses to address this issue, because it will take money out of their pockets. Why should congressional representatives receive $50,000 per year for life in pensions at the age of 62 while we are all suffering and losing our pensions? Chris Cuomo of 20/20 did a report on this topic on Friday, November 4, 2011 and spoke to Congressman Dennis Ross. He is on one of the committees that hear these bills and he assured Chris that Congress will have a hearing at the beginning of January 2012 to address this issue.

Let's hold Congressmen Dan Lungren (who is also on the committee to hear these bills) and Dennis Ross accountable by signing this petition to make sure they hold the hearings and changes are made to their pension plan. They keep looking for cuts that will affect the poor and middle class, while freezing the pay of federal employees yet they are not willing to make any sacrifices. They think all the sacrifices should be made by the middle class and poor while they keep all their perks. The greed in congress is blatant and we are sick of it. If you feel this is not fair, sign the petition and let congress know we will not tolerate this anymore.