
Congress: stop wasting taxpayer dollars on partisan investigations, impeachments, and trials.

We, the citizens and taxpayers of these United States of America, demand an end to partisan investigations, impeachments, and trials of our elected President, Donald J. Trump.

Further, we demand that ANY presidential investigations, impeachments, or trials - whether springing from current or future proceedings - must be voted on and approved by a 3/4 majority in each of the Senate AND the House of Representatives. Without approval by 3/4 of the Senate and 3/4 of the House, no investigations, impeachments or trials of any sitting President shall proceed [i.e. if the vote is split between the two chambers of Congress with one chamber voting yes and the other voting no, then no presidential investigations, impeachments, or trials of a sitting President may proceed.}

Congress must stop abusing American taxpayers by wasting taxpayer dollars on partisan investigations, impeachments, and trials of a sitting President.