
Clark County WA CPS caseworker violation of parental and civil rights

I would like congress to support my position against Clark County CPS. On multiple occasions I've seen/had to experienced; corruption, slander, and a major violation of my parent/child civil rights. False reported information about me from caseworker and countless lies about myself and the father of my children. One in particular individual by the name of Deborah Goodson. Deborah Goodson is a snake. This Social worker was assigned to my three dependency cases. She has reported so many lies in the court report, slander, and has violated so many of my constitutional rights I cant even begin to explain amount of damage and destruction she has brought down on me and my family. She's taken three of my children from me right after I had them at the hospital for no reason but that of her own mad up lies. She continues this relentless mean behavior even after I have attempted to do everything in my power to address it to her, her supervisor, and even gone above her to complain about her violating my civil rights. Still after three years of this battle nothing has mad a difference. I'm currently getting ready to file for a Administrative hearing so these issues can be brought to the table. Deborah Goodson needs to be called out for all the horrible things she has done. I will loose my children for good if I don't stand up and do something. Please, consider supporting me in my petition to have this caseworkers terrible actions brought to light so that she can be held responsible for her actions and more parents like me can be able to parent there children without fear of failure or violation of constitutional rights.

Thank you