
Child support violates the 13th amendment

The child support system is broken

The meaning for child support was to help the child for their needs. Most of the time this does not happen and the non custodial parent is left broke, not able to care for themselves. Not only do they have to be forced to pay ridiculous amounts of money a month, they still have to use what money they have left to care for their child when they have their visitation. I myself pay child support, and never had a problem with it in the beginning. I am at the point where I use the money I have left to pay the bills I have and for gas to get to work so I don't go to jail. A great example of this broken system is my child's mother is known to cut herself and I brought this to juvenile court and was completely ignored. They saw the evidence on her shoulders but yet she was givien full custody and child support. The system is broken. I believe that fathers and mothers who want to be in their child/ren lives and are fit parents, they shouldnt have to pay the extortion payments.