
Child support on fathers

Lets see what is unfair about american child support? For one the system automatically assumes mothers make better parents than fathers so women always get custodial custody! I would argue emotionally mature, well grounded, no nonsense, financially stable, logical and rational men like myself make better role models for young kids and help build their self esteem better but thats my opinion!

Men make more money on average than women so the system automatically takes from the man 20% of his earnings and just gives the check to the mother with no oversight on how it is spent at all! How is this unfair? Well as a father IF i made 120000 dollars a year but supported my kids 100% and the mother works like me but never HAD to give monetary support for the child because i did it all it would not matter in court lol. But if my support in cash never exceeded 200 dollars for the child after housing, food, clothing and etc then how is it fair that i have to give 1000 a month or 20% of my salary which may only be 5 or 10000 more than hers to her every month? When it realistically only costs less than 200 a month to take care of the child on a 50/50 basis? How many kids you know need 1000 dollars a month to take care of them when they already have housing, food, clothing and etc from both parents? That is just nonsense and that is the worst part of child support and why it needs to be totally changed or in my view done away with and replaced with simple 50/50 child care not one parent regardless of custodial status getting so much money from the other! If it is in the best interest of the child then how is bankrupting or financially deflating one parent and blindly giving it to the other helping the child in reality? It does not help the child instead just allows nonsensical conflict between the parents to continue.

Of course women will disagree because they are the beneficiaries of the injustice and want it to remain as it gives them excuses and a safety glass to break when they want to! I DO NOT blame women they are just doing what they have an EASY opportunity to do! What I blame is the corrupt and sissified judicial system that allow child support, alimony and all the other cash grabs that women enjoy today to go on!