Child Support Fairness for the child!
Child support is for the child for men or women willing to walk away from their family should not be allowed to live comfortably they should pay 65% of their yearly income to their child. 45% of this should go to the care of the child the other 20% s
Nowadays we hear the mother this, unfair that. To the men that complain about having to pay child support for the measliest amount and women too they should be ashamed. I am a single mother not on welfare who equally created a child and have given up my life and the one I wanted to raise my child. I go to school full time and raise my kid without help from the state and without help from his father. After researching the child support laws and reading the thousands of unfair comments I propose the neglegent parent be quiet. It is time to hold the parent who walks away from their child responsible without care to their "comfort". The parent raising said child has given up their life and could easily flip the roles. As a society we make it far to easy for deadbeats to get away with being just that. In this economy it is a finacial astonoshment to raise a child. Formula costs easily 50-100 dollars a week, diapers cost 100-200 a month, clothes cost 100-150 a month, daycare costs 1200 or more a month, doctors and micellaneous costs nearly 100-400 a month on any given time. This does not account for rent (600-2500) a month that the deadbeat parent would be normally responsible for at least half, utilities (400-1000) a month again would be responsible for half, and the list just continues. It is high time to put a sock in the deadbeat parents mouth no matter if said deadbeat is the mother or the father, the neglegent parent should live paycheck to paycheck and pay the 65% (the lowest) 75% would be more reasonable to the child. It is not to pad the pocket of the mother or father caring for the child whomever feels this way must be the deadbeat spoken of above. It is high time we become a society of responsibility not of neglect! I propose the percentage be raised to 75% of the non caregivers income be given to the child. It is right by the child and will make more people think twice about concieving a child and walking away.
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