

We believe all children should be allowed into our country, illegally or not.

As children, we have an opinion on everything. But on the Border Crisis, nothing has been higher in opinion for us. We believe as the American Youth, that all children (illegally or not) should be allowed to enter the United States and become citizens. The issue and crisis at the Southwestern Border this year is big issue, and as children we find it to be wrong that the U.S Congress will not let the children in. We call for the U.S Government to let them children into the nation, because freedom isn't limited.

Well, we all know what?s going on at the U.S Southern Border. There are thousands of children trying to get into the United States. Those thousands include children that have been raped, molested, and have no way of good life in their foreign country. These are children who have a voice and believe that there is opportunity for them in United States. And that?s a very good thing. Part of the Declaration of Independence and a reason why the American Revolution occurred was because Great Britain refused to let immigrants into the colonies, or into Great Britain. Now our founding fathers hated that, and our congress is doing exactly what our founding fathers hated?not allowing immigrants into the United States.

Children are in our best interest, and part of my best interest is protecting the rights of children. And it seems to us that this is a time of debate. Why won?t they let these children into the United States? That?s an issue. If there is children trying to get into our country to become greater citizens, then why wouldn?t they? As Teen President of the United States, and leader of the nation?s youth, I am going to be the voice on this issue, and with the U.S Youth Assembly representing the American Youth, will also take their toll.

And in our voice, it seems like the rights of people is being violated. In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights it states that all people have the right to move from place to place without interference from governments, now we know the leading free country in the world isn?t going to start ignoring the rights of people. ?He has endeavored to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands? From the Declaration of Independence. And we are very sad to see that our nation is following the footsteps of Great Britain. If this pace continues, an issue will occur, a national issue.

Allow those children into the nation for god?s sake. A free nation isn?t limited to only its inhabitants, it isn?t limited at all. So an issue like this is breaking the principles of our nation apart. This nation is founded on ?immigrants?. None of us really belong here, except the natives. So when referring to ?Immigrants?, make sure to refer to yourself. Our congress is tarring our nation down, starting with children. Our President is t