Better cyber security
The cyber security teams need to monitor the dark web better and keep an eye out for hackers buying tools that are talked about as being voice to skull it is a real thing and not being tooken seriously at all I have been told by some one of them doing this to someone they know because they don't like them and want to ruin their life and the person actually was telling people that they were hearing who they knew and have known that person for years. They know the sound of their voice and got told so I believe it. People say it's government stuff but actual people on the streets are able to buy these tools and have codes to hack into things including transferring voices into their heads and it is a home wrecking thing and destroys life there are groups of people and stories around the world about it and needs to be tooken more seriously other than blaming drugs or anything else because in alot of cases there is no use of any thing. It needs to be known that if any body is going through something like this I know the names and addresses of where the people who said they were doing this to people and can cover up their tracks because they have hacked the satellites with thermal technology and working as a team with a few other people they told me this because it is a personal issue and they are doing it to me and I can't prove anything I just know who and where and it needs looked into. If any thing make it more aware of what people can do and have more resources available other than medicating people and being told they are crazy. Nothing probably can be done but it is something for people all over the world seem to be goin through and nothing is getting looked into further when there is plenty of technology to be helping with this. It has been more of a problem then half of any other stalking or mental illness. There is no way to tell exactly but cops can't do anything but if someone is being stalked like this the resources to help them out should be more with cyber security help to be available give the people peace with what they need to understand what is going on instead of therapy and being put on medicine that does not help because they don't need it. The issue is real and people are doing this for fun and I know who some of them who need looked into and who they have targeted. People need to know the world is already bad enough and these people need to be tooken care of I know some other online stories that go with the term gang stalking but this is a little different case and very personal. The only thing I'm getting at is these are people who need to be in jail and people need resources and more help in getting proof to get them off the streets. Make tools for people who are being harrased with this known technology easier to get ahold of to protect their selves if they can't afford it. People are supposed to feel safe and trusted with this kind of problem and it is being ignored all around the world.
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