
Ban the Box

Ban the Box is an important legislation that seeks to eliminate discrimination against those with criminal arrest records, in hiring practices

A growing number of communities have taken the critical step of removing unfair barriers to employment in their hiring policies by removing the question on their job applications regarding an

individual's criminal history, deferring background checks until the

later stages of the hiring process, and only performing background

checks for certain positions. By opening the hiring process to emphasize current qualifications rather than past mistakes, communities open their doors to qualified individuals and reduce administrative costs.

There are a lot of myths ...surrounding "ban the box". Please ask questions if you have any concerns, rather than trusting the rants of anyone who is not really informed about the resolution. This resolution is NOT about me. It is about the 1 of 27 people in the state of MI that are on parole or probation in MI. It is about the 1 of 6 people that have felonies. The 1 of 4 people who have an arrest record.

There are some who are saying that Ban the Box is unfair to the businesses. Some are claiming that it will mandate who businesses hire. Neither is true. What the nation is learning is that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has set a criteria for hiring practices that private businesses and public jobs have not been honoring. The movement across the nation is to simply uphold the criteria.

This is NOT a Republican or Democratic agenda. This is not about politics. It is about human rights.

Some are saying that the Ban the Box initiative is not the best way to go and that seeking insurance reforms that protect businesses is a better approach. THAT is the perspective of someone who cares more about commerce than they do human rights.

Note that some of America's top legal minds and public policy institutes have addressed the liability issue of Ban the Box and this resolution is STILL passing nationwide, city by city, State by State. If Insurance reform was the answer, surely greater minds than mine would have figured it out. If anyone needs info, please email me at and I will gladly send you documents to help inform you of what this is and how it does help promote safer communities and, most all, creates a win/win for those who have criminal arrest records and businesses. See More