
Audit The Fed To Solve The Fiscal Cliff

Tell the Senate to pass S202 to audit the Fed, then end it. this will prove our national debt to be illegitimate and prevent falling off the fiscal cliff.

This petition demands Harry Reid to bring S202, Audit the Fed Bill, to the floor for a vote, that all 100 senators vote yes on said bill, and that President Obama sign the bill before the end of 2012. Herein lays the answer to the fiscal cliff problem we currently face. For nearly 100 years this private, institution has operated outside of any law or jurisdiction, accountable to no one and has devalued our currency to the point of almost worthlessness. It is high time to expose and end this scam that has bankrupted our country.

A full complete audit of the Federal Reserve will undoubtedly uncover numerous treasonous acts that will render the public debt illegitimate. The partial audit of emergency credit programs revealed $16 trillion in payments to foreign banks by the Fed. That is our entire national debt! There is no reason American citizens should stand for this outright theft of their wealth.

After a full audit and exposure of the Fed, the next step is to shut it down. The power to coin money and regulate the value must be returned to Congress per Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. Under this system, inflation is the only consequence of Congress spending more than it takes in. Under the current Federal Reserve, debt-based system, all of our money is borrowed at interest from the Fed. This creates a perpetual debt spiral that can never be repaid.

Why is it that American citizens must account for every penny they earn and report it to the IRS, yet the IRS does not account to the people what they do with that money? All citizens risk their property and freedom if they don?t properly disclose their income. The convoluted 17,000 page tax code makes proper reporting impossible. But no heads roll, no one in held accountable when then government misappropriates that money. How is this justified? The income tax is the Federal Reserve?s method of collecting interest on the illegitimate debt that it bestows upon the American people. It?s time to end them both!

That you would have the gall to suggest that ANY citizen should pay more of their hard-earned money to solve this debt problem is absolutely appalling! Every department of the Federal government is riddled with waste and fraud. This year?s General Accountability Office scandal is but one specific example. The Constitution does not grant the Federal government power to do 60% of the things it currently does. Among these activities are those performed by the Department of Education, the EPA, the DEA, ect. Clearly this Fiscal Cliff is entirely a spending problem and NOT a revenue problem. Keep your oath to protect the Constitution by auditing and ending the Federal Reserve.