
Animal Welfare

This is to get stronger laws that protect our animals from the vicious, crude, evil people that walk our earth and make our animals mean with Dog Fighting, Puppy Mills, abuse, torture and Cruelty.

Our Animal Welfare Laws are weak and useless. We need stronger laws. We need the Officials to make multiple arrests, and the judges to follw the laws and put these people in prison, NO good time and NO plea bargins. 8-10 years depending on the severity of the abuse. These people need to be made held responsible for their actions. No more slaps on the hands and just a fine. Those days need to be OVER! This is SERIOUS and needs to be dealt with in that respect. There has been BSL in our country and it should NOT exist. It is people who do these horrific things to animals. They create a mean dog with their action s. Dogs are NOT born mean!!! You need to clean up the streets of these Dog Fighters, Puppy Mills, abusers, torturer, and cruelty. The problem is PEOPLE!! Not any breed specific dog!! These judges only give out slaps on the hands and a fine. People will NEVER stop Dog Fighting like that. There was a Dog Fighting Ring busted last March in Monroe County MI. They had 2 dogs that died, others were confensated. Alot of drugs, (cocaine and marijuana) hand guns and $40,000.00 in cash. The so called "ring master" got a fine and 120 days in jail. I hate to say it, but its OBVIOUS whos responsible. Please get stronger laws and please Punish the deed NOT the breed!!! These judges need to throw the book at these scum bags. Please clean up the streets with getting this RIFF RAFF behind bars. Not for 120 days....that doesn't show anyone doing this its a serious thing. NO ONE will stop abusing our animals until these judges start handing out harsh sentences. No plea bargains or getting out early!! As an animal lover and a violence hater, PLEASE make our laws stronger and make our judges hand out harsh sentences.