
An Open Letter to the Office of the Commander-in-Chief President Joe Biden: My wife and I have experienced violations of our civil rights from the New Hampshire state authorities through criminal acts.

We respectfully ask the President’s office to intervene and investigate the alleged civil rights violations through criminal acts by the State authorities in NH and the UK Home Office’s inhuman treatment of US citizens.

Dear Mr. President Joe Biden,

My name is Negash Abdelkader. I am a 57-year-old African American Muslim and a father of three daughters. My wife and I have always been law-abiding citizens, and we have worked hard to build a better future for ourselves and our families through our business. We have employed many people and were looking forward to hiring more, but unfortunately, our pursuit of the American dream has turned into a nightmare.

In September 2004, we purchased a property in GOFFSTOWN, New Hampshire (NH) via an auction, and we were able to move into our dream home by November of the same year. However, we have faced challenges as certain public officials have targeted our family. It seems they were not pleased with our presence and the fact that we had outbid high-ranking state officials during the auction. This issue has been ongoing up to this day.

As the owners of Royal Motors LLC, our family-run establishment was a target of state authorities. They raided our business without any valid reason and harassed us until the end of our operation. Despite their efforts, they failed to find any evidence of wrongdoing on our part. We maintain our complete innocence as we were not involved in any illegal activities.

In December of 2013, we were forced to make a tough call and shut down our company, Royal Motors LLC. The well-being of our staff and ourselves became our top priority due to the inappropriate conduct we encountered from various people, including undercover agents and law enforcement officials at both the state and local levels.

In May 2008, we applied for a permit to build a Halal abattoir on our agricultural land in a district where such activities are permitted. We followed all the zoning ordinances and state and federal laws, but our application was rejected by the authorities’ multiple times. Furthermore, we faced further obstacles as we received misleading information from state courts and local authorities to obtain legal permits.

Despite repeated attempts, our requests for a halal abattoir in Goffstown were denied by the Zoning Department, State Superior Court, and NH Supreme Court without any clear reason or justification. They introduced a new law that violated the existing law, and our rights, both civil and property-related. Additionally, they breached our religious rights protected by The First Amendment to The US Constitution and The Federal Land Use RLUIPA Law.

Despite putting in a lot of effort and money- over $100K in legal fees and over $600K in our property; we were denied the right to exist and survive using our land and generate income. Our proposed project aligned with Tow's Master plan, which prioritizes agricultural businesses and the farming heritage of Goffstown. Unfortunately, we've suffered a complete loss, as a result of bias governance.

Our business had to shut down due to safety threats from an NHSP Officer(s) and the NHSPD, which caused financial problems. We reported Trooper James O'Leary of the New Hampshire State Police to several authorities for unlawful conduct, harassment, and perjury.

We brought to light cases of misbehaviour by state police officials and the NHSPD's supposed false testimony. We contacted the USDOJ District of NH, Attorney General Kacavas, the former NH Governor Hassan's office, and the Office of NH DOJ AG Foster, urging them to investigate. Regrettably, no steps were taken.

For nearly five years, we have provided the US Department of Justice with compelling evidence and urged them to investigate allegations of authority misuse and law violations. Despite their promises to investigate, they repeatedly failed to do so. We have provided a solid evidence, facts, and legal grounds, of our case to the USDOJ, the department neglected to protect our constitutionally guaranteed rights.

We received a death threat phone call in our house saying, “I will wage jihad on you.” When I went to the Goffstown Police Department to file a report, GTPD Officer Russo refused to take the complaints. The officer brushes me off as if my family life and mine do not matter.

Due to the unethical actions of state authorities, I felt unsafe and concerned for my freedom. It became apparent that I could no longer securely live on my property, conduct business safely, or remain in my country. To ensure my safety and survival, I had to relocate.

On April 4, 2016, I left the United States for the second time, leaving behind my loved ones and homeland. I recognized that this was the best decision for my well-being.

The state authorities’ actions were fuelled by bigotry, jealousy, and envy as they waged war against our entire family; they have caused irreparable damage to innocent and law-abiding citizens, turning our family lives into a living hell. Consequently, our hard-earned possessions and assets accumulated over three decades resulted in a total loss; we became legally crippled and financially bankrupt.

Our family has been dealing with a breach of public trust and a violation of fiduciary duty for almost twenty years. Over the last fifteen years, we have suffered considerable financial losses and psychological distress due to the misuse of power. The losses we've experienced have greatly affected our overall health and financial stability. Regrettably, the misconduct of certain state officials compelled us to abandon our homes, farmland, and businesses and ultimately drove me to leave the country.

Sadly, my daughter’s childhood memory growing up in Goffstown, NH, is filled with agonies, horrors, and nightmares; they are traumatized by PTSD. I am languishing in statelessness and destitution. We are been treated us as third-class citizens (slaves); being African American Muslim family Farmer and Entrepreneur appears the crime in New Hampshire.

The New Hampshire State authorities have engaged in an illegal conspiracy that violated Federal Law and the US Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause based on race and religion. The pain and suffering we continually have endured since 2008, after we moved to New Hampshire, are priceless. Despite our complaints, the Department of Civil Rights within the USDOJ did not investigate or protect our constitutional rights.

Since the 2nd of September 2008, I have been shuffled from one bigoted authority to another across the Atlantic. My struggle for justice appeared to be an existential threat to the rogued public officials; they have reduced my rights to livestock animals, repeatedly ill-treated and prosecuted for defending my legal rights, and faced the challenging predicament of being condemned to die.

I have been denying the due process of law in the UK for more than seven years arbitrarily and multiple times; due to the egregious abuses of power, I suffer from mental health issues, including suicide risk.

I don't feel safe around my family and in my country due to the lack of transparency and the rule of law. My hope of receiving justice has dwindled, and it's unlikely that I'll ever experience justice in the USA, UK, or other "first nations.

When individuals in positions of power fail to honor their oath of upholding public office, as stated in 5 U.S.C. §3331, the very foundation of the law becomes unstable. This can leave "WE, THE PEOPLE IN A REPUBLIC" vulnerable to harm. Such governance, where the rule of law is not upheld, has the potential to cause damage to the fundamental structures of society.

When the state authorities single-handedly violate our constitutional rights and destroy our lives, what are we supposed to do, surrender to inequality (slavery) and tyranny; no single citizen of the free world accepts such fascist egregious behaviours! I want to live and enjoy life as any free human, but it seems impossible to live without justice.

I refused to accept short of equal rights under the law, and in the absence of equal justice, and protection under the law, I rather live one day with dignity than live for eternity in slavery. In protest of the abuse of power, breach of public trust, and injustice of the “justice” system,” I am contemplating suicide!

I kindly plead to the Office of the President of the USA for urgent help to rescue my life from imminent death by suicide. Respectfully, I request the President’s office to intervene and investigate the alleged civil rights violations through criminal acts by the State authorities in New Hampshire and the United Kingdom Home Office’s inhuman treatment of US citizens.

Everything I have stated above is supported by evidence! For more information, please refer to my e-book available at or contact me vial Email:

I look forward to hearing from you soon and thank you!.


Negash Abdelkader