
Amend the Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act.No hunting on National Wildlife Refuges.

Wildlife refuges are a place of safe haven for all species of Wildlife,Mammals,Fish,and Plant life,the very definition of refuge is a place of safety.Please sign this petition and let your representatives know that you oppose the killing or taking of

The Department of the Interior has announced that National Wildlife refuges,created for the preservation of animals, fish, and plant life, intends to expand hunting and fishing within the refuge system,in accordance with the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act.The very definition of the word refuge is protection. The act originally was designed for the purpose of preservation of animal,fish,and plant species to be afforded protection and to ensure that these species would survive for future generations of Americans to enjoy. It was not created for the benefit of hunters or anglers to systematically slaughter wildlife on public lands. The very definition of the word refuge is a place of protection,a safe haven. We the undersigned request Congress to amend the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act for the purpose of excluding hunting as a recreational activity within the Wildlife refuge system, for the preservation and protection of the wildlife within these parameters as was originally intended. We also request Congress to amend the act including a provision that public hearings must be made available to the general public when any recreational activities are considered or proposed by the U.S. Department of the Interior on all public lands, and that in reference to conservation efforts, scientific studies of specific species of Animals and Fish, and Plant life be provided at said hearings to the General Public for review,before any implementation or proposed recreational activities are approved by The Secretary of the Interior.