
Alpha-gal Community Implores Congress to Act Now to Legislate Transparent Labeling of all Mammalian Ingredients on Foods and Products

The Alpha-gal Syndrome community implores our President and Congress to establish legislation to mandate the clear and transparent labeling of all mammalian ingredients on all foods products.

AGS is a tick borne condition that causes an immune system response to all mammalian meats, by-products, gelatin, carrageen and many other ingredients of concern. The Federal Tick Borne Working Group has voted in favor of making this recommendation to Congress, on our behalf, but we want you to clearly hear our voices, too.

There are too many people with this condition suffering needlessly because of hidden ingredients or misleading product labels. This life threatening allergy is emerging and will continue to grow. Won't you please consider taking action on this necessary legislation sooner than later. Our health, our quality of life, and literally our lives depend on this.