
Allow Raw Food To Be Manufactured

Legalize making prepared raw food in factories.

So, I like to eat vegan food. Specifically I like to eat raw vegan food. Raw vegan food is never cooked over 95-120 degrees, therefore it is called "raw". However, it can be prepared and look and taste exactly like cooked food and be raw. It can be accomplished several ways, one way being dehydrating at under 120 degrees for a few days.

I like to eat raw vegan food but it is expensive. One of the reasons it is expensive is because the food has to be hand made. One of the laws in the united states requires pasteurization of foods that are manufactured. If it is not pasteurized, it has to be made fresh, I think.

I eat a vegan diet- mostly cooked vegan- out of convenience. And it tastes good to me. Simple raw foods don't attract me that much. But, I realize that all of my cooked vegan food is manufactured. I practically eat nothing cooked vegan that I prepare fresh.

Raw food needs to be manufactured. Prepared raw foods need to be created by factories to lower the price, I think.

However, several companies have tried to prepare raw food, like make raw bottled juices, and have met legal trouble causing them to shut down their operation. How do you prevent this legal trouble? Because in the united states pasteurization is required by law for all manufactured food.

Well, we need to change this law. Prepared raw food needs to be manufactured without being pasteurized. How do we get the government to change this law?

So, my idea is an idea taken from the organic laws already in existence. Organic food companies can sell unpasteurized raw food business to business as long as their cleaning standards are up to par. They also say that it's business to business so the food will be pasteurized before selling to consumers but that's not my point.

That's the key. Prepared raw foods should be able to be manufactured if the cleanliness standards are up to par. The whole point of pasteurization is to kill germs. And cooking the germs leaves the germ bodies in the food anyway. So, you're killing the germs but you're still eating their dead bodies all of the time.

What if you made sure there were no germs in the food in the first place by adhering to strict cleanliness standards? That means everyone wears gloves, all surfaces are clean, etc.

If there were no germs in the food in the first place, there would be no need for pasteurization. And I for one would be glad not to be ingesting the dead germ bodies, too.

I think this idea is the way to change the laws so that raw food can be manufactured in factories more. Then, we could have necessary bottled juices and prepared snacks and meals that are cheap yet delicious.

Please help me advocate to the government to allow raw food to be manufactured. Please sign my petition.