Repeal Title 4E Federal Funding
I’m ask that either Title 4E Federal Funding be repealed or if not it be stipulated that in order for states to qualify or be entitled to any federal funding but specifically Title 4E Federal Funding.
The courts be required to have total transparency and open to the public for family court and chips cases the same way criminal courts civil cases etc..
They claim they’re held in secret to protect the children and that’s a flat out lie!!
First the children are the victims and did nothing wrong second when the falsely accused and charged me with 5 felonies two counts of physical abuse to a child causing great bodily harm and three counts of emotional trauma to a child, were they protecting the child when they released all false allegation my mug shot and my residence on the news? Anyone that knew of me or my residence knew the children involved. However when all those charges were dismissed they didn’t put that on the news.
The only person or persons confidentiality protects are the criminals or the wrong doers. The judge’s prosecutor and Corprate counsel use confidentiality to deny your rights to due process and you can’t file an appeal because there has to be a record of your objections and when they go off record the transcript doesn’t reflect what actually happened keeping you from appealing. Besides if the person is truly an abuser everyone should know that so they can keep their kids away from them.
Title 4E Federal Funding incentives judges and social worker to take kids that were never abused, they stop all communication with any of the family, they refuse to allow them to competent family. Making adoption the primary goal. To collect all that money. They refuse to make reasonable efforts to reunify. My kids have been in foster care 4 yrs as of the 20th of Dec they’re required to have permanency by 22mo. They can’t tpr because I would demand a jury and they have no grounds no evidence no witness nothing. The kids are being abused in Fostercare my 7 yr old raped within 30 days of being removed from the home. They never reported it to the state like required I know this because that yr they only reported one and she was 16!! I’m presuming they reported that one because when you’re 16 they can blame it on the child being permiscuis and the 7 yr old it’s all on them.
They deny any form of due process, the only witness they ever called was the social worker and the judge refused to allow us to cross examine her. They knew I planned to impeach her. All of the things I’ve just described causes a breeding ground for corruption. If the courts were open to the public and online through zoom it would drastically reduce corruption if people were watching. They would have to follow the law. I’m also requesting anyone allowed to be alone with a child be required to wear body cams no exceptions. Have you googled cps workers charged with sexual assault also where is the accountability for cps to follow regulatory mandates required to qualify for funds. My granddaughter was raped while they were protecting her. They never reported it to the state as required. My grandson had his arm broken by his foster mom that required surgery she still has him. Eathen hushultz was murdered in cps care while cps protected him in foster care and this is just manitowoc county Wi home of making a murderer. What about every other state in the nation. They are refusing to reunite or place with family because they don’t receive title 4E federal funding to do that. My grandchildren have been in Fostercare for 4 yrs because they don’t have grounds to tpr yet they refuse to send them home. They’ve never called a witness or supplied one piece of evidence and I’ve never been allowed to speak or call witness
The courts be required to have total transparency and open to the public for family court and chips cases the same way criminal courts civil cases etc..
They claim they’re held in secret to protect the children and that’s a flat out lie!!
First the children are the victims and did nothing wrong second when the falsely accused and charged me with 5 felonies two counts of physical abuse to a child causing great bodily harm and three counts of emotional trauma to a child, were they protecting the child when they released all false allegation my mug shot and my residence on the news? Anyone that knew of me or my residence knew the children involved. However when all those charges were dismissed they didn’t put that on the news.
The only person or persons confidentiality protects are the criminals or the wrong doers. The judge’s prosecutor and Corprate counsel use confidentiality to deny your rights to due process and you can’t file an appeal because there has to be a record of your objections and when they go off record the transcript doesn’t reflect what actually happened keeping you from appealing. Besides if the person is truly an abuser everyone should know that so they can keep their kids away from them.
Title 4E Federal Funding incentives judges and social worker to take kids that were never abused, they stop all communication with any of the family, they refuse to allow them to competent family. Making adoption the primary goal. To collect all that money. They refuse to make reasonable efforts to reunify. My kids have been in foster care 4 yrs as of the 20th of Dec they’re required to have permanency by 22mo. They can’t tpr because I would demand a jury and they have no grounds no evidence no witness nothing. The kids are being abused in Fostercare my 7 yr old raped within 30 days of being removed from the home. They never reported it to the state like required I know this because that yr they only reported one and she was 16!! I’m presuming they reported that one because when you’re 16 they can blame it on the child being permiscuis and the 7 yr old it’s all on them.
They deny any form of due process, the only witness they ever called was the social worker and the judge refused to allow us to cross examine her. They knew I planned to impeach her. All of the things I’ve just described causes a breeding ground for corruption. If the courts were open to the public and online through zoom it would drastically reduce corruption if people were watching. They would have to follow the law. I’m also requesting anyone allowed to be alone with a child be required to wear body cams no exceptions. Have you googled cps workers charged with sexual assault also where is the accountability for cps to follow regulatory mandates required to qualify for funds. My granddaughter was raped while they were protecting her. They never reported it to the state as required. My grandson had his arm broken by his foster mom that required surgery she still has him. Eathen hushultz was murdered in cps care while cps protected him in foster care and this is just manitowoc county Wi home of making a murderer. What about every other state in the nation. They are refusing to reunite or place with family because they don’t receive title 4E federal funding to do that. My grandchildren have been in Fostercare for 4 yrs because they don’t have grounds to tpr yet they refuse to send them home. They’ve never called a witness or supplied one piece of evidence and I’ve never been allowed to speak or call witness
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