
Downieville CA Judges destroy US Justice!!!

Dear President Joe Biden and associates,
As I am sure you are aware, there have been many reports in the media regarding corrupt practices of Family court & Juvenile Dependency Court. My 2 children have been traumatized by the Sierra County Judges, CPS, Social Services,and Superintendent of Schools. Judge Charles Ervin evicted me in the middle of the worst disaster in most of our history. He encouraged the initial guardianship stating to his reason for the guardianship stating " Because I Can!" Judge Yvette durant illegally removed my children's in juvenile dependency court in march dismissing in october Then ignoring my right to appeal. Cps falsely represented the idea there was an active cps 4 years prior to opening one. Conducted illegal interviews, made threatening statements to locals, conducted illegal searches, violating medical record privacy laws, and continually slandering my reputation and any resident associating with me.
The inception of these agencies and their programs are honorable. They are failing. The reason they are failing is because your state government is failing.

Parents exercise their rights, refusing to accept abusive government, and are then slowly destroyed in every aspect. The assaults and abusive discriminatory acts have damaged my children's lives but also the integrity in which people in power once had.
You worked hard to be there because you believed in something. Something bigger than yourself and felt compelled to have a hand in the power. What you do while your hand is powerful will define you.

This nightmare began because I filed a lawsuit trying to protect my children. The retaliation I was met with is has systematical broke me and any human with 50ft of me. I began requesting help but have steadily been rejected at every level.

Agencies participating in abusive and discriminatory practices need TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE and appropriate corrective actions need to be taken.

It has been difficult just being a good citizen, US National, and a loving mother. California should be ashamed. I haven't seen my children's for almost a year and counting. For reasons lacking any evidence to have warranted this punishment from local Judge Yvette durant.
I urge you to take prompt action to order the listed California agencies, including Child Protective Services, Sierra Superior court judges Charles Ervin and Yvette durant to cease and desist and to ensure child safety
That you would
immediately investigate these reports. These agencies should further ensure that perpetrators are
disciplined and other corrective actions are taken, including necessary revisions of standards of which these agencies conduct business
This is a true humanitarian crisis. I and other mothers are counting on your leadership to
address this critical matter.

Caitlin Peters

Under The Constitution of The United States Of America

"No man who is in a position of authority over them is above the law. Those who have been victimized have the real ability to seek civil and criminal punishment against those who use the authority of the state to act outside the law with impunity."

Funded with our hard earned dollars, Child Protection Services (CPS) have taken absolute power with no regard to The Constitution of the

Under the Constitution of the United States of America all Americans have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable search and seizure.

This right is violated when CPS workers and police officers take and/or question children without warrants or evidence that a crime has taken place.

American children are their parents property

Under our 6Th Constitutional Amendment All Americans have the right to not be subjected to hearsay evidence against them

Under the 5th Amendment of The Constitution of the United States America - All American's have the right to not be compelled to be a witness against him/herself.

Family courts (under CPS suggestion), regularly order the parent to cooperate with CPS and to sign releases of private medical and psychiatric information. they are told if they do not sign they will lose their children

Under the Constitution of the United States of America Parents have the right to not to be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.

The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment protects the fundamental right of parents to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of their children,including medical treatment decisions.

Under the Constitution of the United States of America all Americans have the right to be legally protected from slanderous or libelous reports against them; and the right to be able to seek real retribution for any such violations against their character.

"When a parent's name is entered on a registry' of child abusers, without
having been convicted of the crime of child abuse, it publicly presents this person as though he were a convicted criminal and has the effect of legally slandering and libeling his character"