
Accountability Systems for Haiti Reconstruction

Haiti's future requires accountability, credibility, transparency, sustainability, and efficiency.

Individually and as a nation we have made a commitment to the future of Haiti. We must make sure that the effort has a structure that will succeed. As a constituent I ask for your strong and immediate support for the passage and implementation of a system of oversight and accountability for the relief and reconstruction of Haiti. The concept has been expressed as the NOVACK PROPOSAL. The credibility of the process is essential for its sustainability and success. I want to know of your support for the proposal of attorney and former mayor Paul Novack of Florida with regard to the need for immediate creation of an oversight, accountability and enforcement body or office to include a special inspector general and procedures for open tracking, coordination and efficiency. We must make sure that the natural disaster is not followed by a man made disaster such as the waste or abuse or failure of relief and reconstruction programs. The proposal is on line at and we need your official action to lead the way. Please respond to this request, your responsiveness and action are essential, thank you.