
Abolish the Grover Norquist Taxpayer Protection Pledge

Remember your oath to office and not the promise to a lobbyist.

The Taxpayer Protection Pledge was enacted over 2 decades ago and has ran its course. Grover Norquist lobby's for the top 1% to ensure they stay rich while your constituents (the middle class and working poor) continue to struggle. Grover Norquist receives his money to continue to threaten your political careers from the same. Yet those people are not who you were elected by or who you are supposed to be fighting for. It is time for all of you who signed this pleplefromdgedge recuse yourself from this pledge and reflect on who voted you into office as well as the oath you took upon accepting that responsibility. It was not to Grover Norquist .

The bottom line is the US can no longer survive without generating revenue as well as decreasing spending. The time has come top increase the taxes on the wealthy as well as closing loopholes. Your voters should not lose the little bit of money they are bringing home right now so that a multi-millionaire can ensure that they can continue to funnel money into their offshore accounts and multiple estates.

Think about the little people, they are the ones that need to be heard.