
Abolish Debtors Prison!

Greedy Financial Instutions Are Sending Impoverished Americans To Jail

As it stands today, Unemployment in the United States is at a level not seen since The GREAT DEPRESSION.

Now factor in, the added negatives of RAMPANT Illegal Immigration, A Federal Government that is Sympathetic TO Illegal Aliens. (The President and some Congressional Members are pushing for Mass Amnesty, for example) An American Economy turned Cancerous due to Greedy Wall Street Financial Institutions (banks, stock brokers, speculators, etc) who helped cause disasters such as the "Mortgage Bubble" and the illegal "Taxpayer Bailout" that did not help Main Street America, but lined the pockets of Financial CEOs.

The end result is that MILLIONS of Americans are Unemployed and Under-Employed and cannot pay their debts. Below is what happens in a growing number of states when one cannot pay their debt:

"The Wall Street Journal has been investigating the disturbing resurgence of debtors' prisons throughout America -- here's one especially infuriating example of what the banks are up to: AIG got a $122.8 billion bailout from taxpayers. Jeffrey Stearns happened owed AIG $4,000 on a loan for his pickup truck. How'd the mega-corporation handle his debt? Did they forgive him because of the public's recent largess? No way: They had him arrested in front of his family."

"After being handcuffed in front of his four children, Mr. Stearns, 29 years old, spent two nights in jail, where he said he was strip-searched and sprayed for lice. "I didn't even know I was being sued....It's the scariest thing that ever happened to me."

U.S. prisons are Privatized. Which means that private corporations attempt through law enforcement to have anyone and everyone arrested (for anything) in order to meet the inmate quota that enables these corporations to charge States massive amounts of money for the incarceration and prison facility upkeep.

So, the idea is: The Average American who is impoverished due to an economy destroyed by "The Banks" (and other financial institutions),is now being sent to Debtor's Prison (where they still CANNOT pay their debt) by THESE SAME BANKS.

Review this document by the Brennan Center of Justice at NYU:

It is a fact that Many debt-collection practices employed today violate the Constitution.

The Supreme Court has made clear that incarceration can only be used to collect criminal justice debt when a person has the ability to make payments but refuses to do so.

We, The Undersigned demand our Congressional Leaders to draft and pass ABSOLUTE legislation that will ABOLISH "The Debtor's Prison" once and for all.

It goes against all Moralistic Logic to condemn and destroy the lives of innocent Americans who, through no fault of their own, are unable to obtain financial resources to pay their debts.