
Abolish CPS Corruption

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We the undersigned, are United State American Citizens, residing in the State of Colorado, We are the Parents, Grandparents, Family, and Concerned People about our Civil Rights as well as innocent children who are defenseless as they wait for their parents to bring them home. In most cases that day never comes, and our children are stuck in the foster care system, where many of them are truly abused, neglected, and sexually abused, many cases end fatal. Our rights written by our Forefathers were meant to protect us from such violations. It is written on our United States Constitution as well as our Declaration of Independence, not meant to be changed by any Family Services Court.

Draw the attention of the House to the following:


American families across our Nation are falsely accused by Family Services Court, Child Protective Services, and the Department of Human Services of Dependency and Neglect. Where the only punishment deemed by our accusers is the removal of our children from our homes and family. We are

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left fighting this system with no knowledge of these unusual court proceedings, thus they differ from any criminal or traffic proceedings where there is a plea bargain or a fair Trial by Jury. Family Court Services are in violation of our American Civil Rights, and our 5th Amendment Rights, Substantive Due Process. All Family Services Departments, Social Services, CPS/DHS workers, Court Appointed Counsel, Guardian Ad Litem, District Attorneys, Commissioners, and Family Court Judges violate the U.S Citizens by incriminating Parents and Families with false allegations of child abuse and neglect. These Government workers produce warrants that demand immediate removal of children in imminent danger. These warrants are hand signed by a Judge at the time of removal and then the first court hearing is set within 72 hours of the removal of the children. The corruption only starts with this, many of these warranted documents are photocopied signatures of a Judge on the photocopied date of when this Judge actually did sign the original document in which now has become a template for future emergency warrants to remove children from their homes. Rather than the Judge on call, when removal was warranted ,on the day of the removal of the children. Also court updates and case reports are falsified with unjust mistruths that slander parents that are fighting a loosing battle to save their children. We the people of Colorado are guilty before proven innocent. Innocence is not an option in Family Page 3

Services Court when we are forced in duress to sign an agreement of a treatment plan that is an automatic omission of our guilt. Clearly these are facts listed in this Petition based on real life experiences of many of us undersigned on this document.


We the People of Colorado, United States Citizens

request that the Parliament hear our pleas for immediate Justice by conducting a thorough investigation in Colorado as well as Family Services.

Courts everywhere in our United States; Put an immediate freeze on cases throughout, in order to prevent tampering of any seized evidence; such as case files and reports, notes from CPS/DHS employees, videos, statements, closed files, tapes, documents involved, interviews gathered by this agency or any other affiliated agencies. Return any child that has been removed while this investigation is carried out, or make proper arrangements for placement of abused children. We ask that Family Court/DSS/CPS answer to a higher Government Department for executive decisions before removal of a child from their family home. Reform of the Family Court Services is in desperate need of change; We the People demand for our voices and cries to be

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heard and we move to abolish and or reform these departments that Unconstitutionally remove our children from us without Due Process.

In conclusion please view the following statistics to assist in the decision to aid the Citizens of Colorado. By allowing us as Americans, protected under the United States Constitution to take back our Children and our Civil Rights, to Abolish and or Reform Family Services Court, and prevent future children from being subjected to abuse and neglect while in the foster care system.

Respectfully Submitted, by the Under signers,

The following information is provided by:

2011 AFCARS (Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System)

2012 NCANDS (National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System)

Fact 1

In 2011 AFCARS(adoption and foster care analysis and reporting system) "Yearly referrals to State CPSPage 5 involve 6.3 million children and approximately 3

million of those children are subject to an investigated report."

Fact 2

2012 report CPS took an estimated 650,000 to one million children from their homes. The same report suggests that only 6% or less (39,000 out of 650,000 to one million) were in any real danger or "High Risk" environments.


NCANDS reported in 2012 that 1,545 U.S Children died from child abuse. The Children's Bureau(dept. within CPS/DHS) reported 1,000 deaths a year within the CPS system. CPS rounds to the nearest thousand, so 1,499 equal 1,000 CPS child deaths reported.

Fact 4

The majority of child fatalities while in the foster care system are those of children under the age of 4 years old.

Fact 5

A 2008 study of statistics that were only drawn from three states, Colorado, Washington, and Ohio. 3,292 children went missing (presumed dead) after entering the CPS system. Only 33 states report foster children who become "Lost in the System" as it is not mandatory to report.