
A FIscal Cliff and Fair Share Proposal for Congress

This proposal would require a special Congress tax, salary and benefit cuts, and mandatory "Obamacare" enrollment for all members of Congress and the Obama Administration.

For more than four years, Americans have been living in a dismal economy plagued unemployment. Millions have lost their jobs and those who have jobs are constantly worried about losing them. Small businesses are closing and downsizing, living in fear of not only the Fiscal Cliff, but also fear of the unknown and unending new regulations and mandates from the government.

Since Congress and the Obama Administration seem unable or unwilling to negotiate and avoid the "Fiscal Cliff," this proposal would enact a "Fiscal Cliff and Fair Share Proposal for Congress," and result in pay cuts, benefit reductions, and mandatory health insurance for all members of the House and Senate, as well as all members of President Obama's Cabinet.

The following changes would take place, retroactive from January 1, 2013:

1. All members of the House and Senate, and all members of the Obama Administration will receive a 15% cut in salary.

2. All members of the House and Senate, and all members of the Obama Administration will be required to contribute 25% to their health insurance and pension plans.

3. As "The Affordable Care Act" is fully implemented, all members of the House and Senate, and all members of the Obama Administration will be subject to its terms, and not be allowed a waiver from any "Obamacare" provisions.

4. A special "Congress Fair Share Tax" will be implemented, which will require that all members of Congress and President Obama's Administration pay an additional 8% tax on their income, above and beyond any regular taxes they would incur. This tax is only fair, since members of Congress earn a current salary of $174,000, much higher than most Americans.