
20 Price Increases Designed To Destroy The American Middle Class

The Last Days Of The Once Great America

The report estimates that Americans will pay about $4.5 trillion dollars in taxes of all kinds in 2014, with $3 trillion going to the federal government and $1.5 trillion dollars going to state and local governments. This is approximately 30.2 percent of the nation?s income paid in taxes.

In total, Americans will pay more in taxes in 2014 than on food, clothing, and shelter combined.

Since Obamacare passed, some 12 quarters ago. As far as the individual market is concerned, the increase in premium cost has increased 12 percent.

These figures indicate the average from 148 brokers having been surveyed. There are some states which show an increase of as much as 50 times that amount for premium costs. In Colorado, Georgia, Kentucky, and Michigan, the most devastating increases in health care coverage costs are at a 90 percent increase for individual plans.

These are good times for U.S. landlords. For many tenants, not so much.

With demand for apartments surging, rents are projected to rise for a fifth straight year. Even a pickup in apartment construction is unlikely to provide much relief anytime soon.

That bodes well for building owners and their investors. Yet the landlord-friendly trends will likely further strain the finances of many renters. That?s especially true for the 50 percent of them who already spend more than one-third of their pay on rent.

Over the last decade, the price of a four-year college education has risen faster for public schools than private ones in every region of the country.

The disparity is strongest in the West where the cost of public schools is rising at a rate more than six times faster than the cost of private schools, according to data from the nonprofit College Board. Break it down by state and Arizona was home to the largest hikes in public-school tuition and fees, which have skyrocketed 70 percent in just five years.

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