
1. Stop Robert Mueller nonsense, 2. Resume Hillary Clinton investigation, 3. Open investigation on Barack Obama and his administration.

This petition has 3 parts.
Part 1

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has a problem: He has a disqualifying conflict of interest regarding a large part of his work. It involves a choice between investigating or relying on former FBI director James Comey, a longtime close friend of Mueller’s.
Also Mueller hired Democratic donors and lawyers to investigate a Republican President and his campaign. Eight confirmed Democratic donors are now working for special counsel Robert Mueller’s legal team with the new addition of Greg Andres.
Putting all this together Robert Mueller is not qualified to do a special counsel job,
1. Because of conflict of interest.
2. Because he hires people who have special interests in this investigation.
Robert Mueller should be fired to avoid any suspicious misconduct or any controversy of the investigation being fair.

Part 2

Resume Investigation on Hillary Clinton
and immediately indicted her for:
1. Obstruction of justice.  If any average citizen lied to investigative officials, failed to turn over evidence, provided only selective evidence,  they would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  If any average military personnel with even the lightest of Security Clearances was breached as Clintons clearly was, they would be prosecuted.  Why are our officials not held accountable for their actions?
2. Destruction of evidence.  If any average citizen wiped their hard drive after requests from authorities to turn it over, they would be prosecuted.  Why are our officials not held accountable for their actions?
3. Violaton of Federal Records Act (perhaps willful).  Our officials agree to be accountable when they hold office.  They also agree to comply with the Federal Records Act.  Why are our officials not held accountable for their actions?
4. Violation of the Espionage Act (perhaps willful).  Our officials with Security Clearances agree to hold sensitive information vital to our country's security with strict restrictions.  Ignoring these restrictions should be prosecuted in full, and not doing so is treason against every American.  Why are our officials not held accountable for their actions?
5. The Clinton Foundation ties to weapons deals, Haiti scam and pay for play deals.
6. Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton on tarmac.

Part 3

Open An Investigation Into The Obama Administration’s Surveillance and Illegal Unmasking Of Trump and His Close Associates.
Barack Obama has continually flouted the law to enact his radical agenda. It is time to make him pay for his un-Constitutional actions.