
The Vatican I want that old bastard dead

If he's still alive I want him destroyed you know he's evil he does not deserve to exist and I hope he suffers any people that supports him and devil worshiper that supports him I want them all to suffer miserably extremely crucial pain what they flick on children I want them to feel their pain I don't know how you do it but you have to use the same method day to the children until they die with that pain scar in their body there's no sympathy for these type of people and these people I don't even have her more for them I have zero sympathy for these people do not deserve kindness whatsoever if you have any believe in Divine judgment and Divine law and kindness and respect and equal equivalent exchange or any other things you believe in and fair Justice you will do what you have to do it's not rocket science it's common sense for Elon musk if he is questionable at best cuz I don't like the idea of a biarn chip that could be exploited