
Any person in the usa military is desperate

And will be wronged. You can not protect countries that do not pay for disabled vets,or do not allow usa servicemen to buy homes in the Philippines or Ukraine. The leaders of usa are doing acts that rise to criminal intent and underlying crimes . All or most of congress and judges and senate and president and va officials are suborning perjury, one can be convicted of perjury for knowingly making false statements under oath. The VA officials are knowingly undermining the constitution and democracy by altering the constitution with communist policies and va and atf are attempting to have disabled vets arrested for gun ownership. You people are legally rubber stamps and freeloaders like Houlihan and Fetterman, Casey is a republican that stabbed Liz Cheney in the back. All you white people screwed Liz Cheyney and Adam Kinsinger. You hurt Liz Cheney and Adam Kinsinger for being right. Any person that serves in the military knowing the VA is working against your constitution rights is legally insanelike the usa government. You can not beat any country the job is too big and the country stinks ,we can not donate protection. No one is worth voting for
I invoke 1st 2nd 4th and 5th 14th too. Usa is a corrupt country that screws over its vets with not allowing them to touch the money the sweat and train for. I am a better man than Trump or Biden. Stay out of russias business and china's. Ukraine must defend itself as a independent country . Me as a disabled vet am not obligated to protect non paying delinquent criminals Republicans are dogs and so are democrats