
Abolish the Electoral College

To the governmental body,

The current voting system is completely outdated and no longer represents us as a country. There is a disparity in state populations: this results in an unfair way of votes silencing the voices of millions and breeding apathy and disengagement among the electorate. It undermines the fundamental principle of democracy. Shouldn't every citizens voice carry equal weight? Shouldn't our country be the voice of freedom for all, and that includes everyone having a voice that is equal? Shouldn't we champion the cause of abolishing the electoral college and usher in a national popular vote? We should strive for a system where every citizen, regardless of their zip code, feels their vote truly matters, where the will of the people is not distorted by geographical boundaries. I can go into a lot more reasons why this system is problematic, including racism and other such problems, but that would be book's worth. So I'll let you get back to other things. I hope that you consider my letter and we can bring about change.

Sincerely, a very disgruntled citizen.