
Uphold The 2nd Amendment

The 2nd Amendment is in danger of being repealed, depriving law abiding US Citizens of the right to bear arms in defense of their lives and liberty.

There is a concerted effort by elected officials who are of the anti-gun stance, to utilize the tragedies of the recent series of shootings that have appeared throughout areas of the United States to demonize the 2nd Amendment, thereby manipulating vast numbers of American Citizens into supporting draconian gun restrictions and banning, that will make it impossible for law abiding citizens to obtain firearms and firearm accessories, thereby fully disarming the American Public.

In addition to the above, there is the real possibility that the Constitution of the United States will be tampered with, in order to nullify and/or repeal the 2nd Amendment entirely, which in turn would set the precedent for elected officials to further tamper with other areas of the U.S. Constitution as they deem fit.

For the edification of the Members of Congress, We, the undersigned will present facts about the ineffectiveness of gun control and refute the myth that "the 2nd amendment causes gun crime".

Fact 1: The Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy (pp. 649-694) featured an article publishing the findings of two criminologists who preformed an intensive scientific study of American and European gun laws and violence ratings. They state:

"Nations with stringent anti-gun laws generally have substantially higher murder rates than those that do not. Nine European nations with the lowest rates of gun ownership had a combined murder rate 3 TIMES higher than that of the nine nations with the HIGHEST rates of gun ownership.

Fact: Cities such as Chicago, Illinois, Camden, New Jersey and Stockton, California have some of the highest crime and murder rates in the United States, despite ALL having the most restrictive gun control laws in place.

The recent tragedy of the Connecticut school shooting is an example of this fact. Connecticut has the 5th toughest gun control laws in the nation.

Fact: Criminals do not obtain their weapons through legal means. Gun Control works to restrict legal means of obtaining firearms, which by Cause and Effect, means that only Law Abiding Citizens gun purchases are controlled. Criminals remain UN-IMPACTED 100%.

Myth: "Since a gun in a home is many times more likely to kill a family member than to stop a criminal, armed citizens are not a deterrent to crime."

This myth is the result of a flawed study conducted in the Cleveland, Ohio area where a comparison of 148 accidental deaths to the deaths of 23 intruders slain by home owners in a 16 year period.

Anti-gun proponents who conduct these studies taint results with erroneous test data.

Fact: Staunch anti-gun proponent, Sen. Diane Feinstein has/had a concealed carry permit and carries/carried a gun

Such hypocrisy on the part of Senator Feinstein is a violation to law abiding constituents and American Citizens everywhere.

Fact: Every dictator throughout history, whether Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc commenced to commit mass genocide to their own citizens s