
Do not accept Electoral Votes because of MASSIVE FRAUD

The American voters have followed the rules and laws in voting. The American people have pre-registered as required. The American people have shown their pictured identification and verified their signature. The American people have waited in the lines, sometime given up work or family time to have a voice in our country.

But when the American people come home and see MASSIVE FRAUD on TV about some places 'letting people vote without identification' and 'reports of hundreds of people arriving on buses and receiving packets and sent in to vote' and 'TV news about districts having NOT ONE VOTE for Romney when they live in the town and know they voted for him and saw thousands of people supporting him' then the American people feel they have been 'tricked with VOTER FRAUD', including thousands of votes not counted, just found, lost, missing and on and on.

The American people have followed the proceedure you have instructed us to. Now it is THE CONGRESS that must follow the proceedure they have been instructed to. Our forefathers put the option for Congress to not accept the Electoral Votes. The voter fraud is MASSIVE, the only way to control our country and not allow our laws to be abused is to 'act upon and fulfill the options', that options is: TO NOT ACCEPT ELECTORAL VOTES!

Direct Vote with Plurality Rule:

This method would abolish the Electoral College and require each person to cast one vote for the candidate of their choice. The candidate who receives the most votes nationwide would win the election, with or without a majority of the votes. This option would require a constitutional amendment to be implemented and would therefore need the support of 2/3 of Congress and 3/4 of the states.

If Congress igonores this cry for justice, how will there ever be any other election in America? When the American people see the fraud, ask their Congress to make this wrong a right and they do not act upon it!

It will be CONGRESS that voted for this election and AGREED WITH THIS FRAUD!

Realize that if you 'do nothing' and accept the Electoral Votes, you are being used to help fulfill a fraudulent act and become PART OF THAT FRAUD!

STAND UP CONGRESS! Do not be part of this MASSIVE FRAUD! Our country is in your hands!