July 1, 2022
GUARDIANSHIPS are a violation of our unalienable rights and are illegal. Stripping a person of their legal rights is dangerous and dehumanizing. Guardianship entails the removal of rights protected by the U.S. Constitution. Additionally, individuals who are subject to guardianship are also protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Guardianship is considered protective, but courts often fail to protect individuals.
In some cases, guardians use their position to financially exploit people or subject them to physical neglect and abuse. Courts lack adequate resources, technical infrastructure, and training to monitor guardianships effectively and to hold guardians accountable for the timely and accurate submission of required plans, accountings, and other reports, as well as for conforming to standards of practice for guardians. The Courts are guilty of ignoring the red flags in abusive and exploitive guardianships and allowing isolation which is corruption since not allowing oversight by family. Guardianships need to be abolished to end human and estate trafficking by predators in our probate courts. Less restrictive alternatives are available and other countries live without guardianships. Let's end the crimes in our probate courts against the elderly and disabled by the racketeering enterprise of attorney firms conspiring with the probate judges to destroy families and steal estates.