
Stop illegal immigration and new Covid cases at southern Border

American citizens are asked to allow millions of illegal immigrants into our country from over 100 countries and we do not have a clue of their backgrounds in addition many are bringing in Covid while the Biden administration is ignoring it! The main job for government is to keep citizens safe and they are failing to do that!
It’s unbelievable the country is fighting Covid and asked to mask up once again and get vaccinated while over a million have already come across the border in less than 9 months!
There is a “Legal” way to come into the country but why would anyone do it legally now? Most Americans are for “Legal” immigration but not for Illegal!! The madness has to stop!
Asking people to sign this petition to get congress to do something Now! Enough is enough!
Covid will never get under control with the constant flow of more infected people coming over our border and God forbid if another variant is introduced into our country.
Tell congress and the Biden administration to Wake Up! The American people have had enough! Time to do your job and what’s best for US citizens and keep us safe! Close the southern border!! Obey our country’s laws!! No more illegal immigration!