Kamala and democrats & republican and judges and veterans affairs police and officials
Suborning perjury joining criminal conspiracy to deny constitutional rights, specifically to deny constitutional rights in furtherence of crafting laws against blacks veteran misreading constitutional rights. You people are disgusting dirty leaders betraying your oath no good deed goes unpunished. What the veterans affairs police are involved in is insolvent insurrection to arrest black veterans. Defying court orders, to stay in power i invoke 1st 2nd 4th 5th 14th .Repercussions ,discrimination entrapment murder att rape systematically slavery abuse and discrimination strong decisive action ku klux klan act enforcement. Biden is a crook so is houlihan a criminal enterprise defying 2nd amendment and more.bill barr is criminal trump is retarded and miscalculated his freedom it will be gone based on laws against denying constitutional rights under color of law occupation and abuse nazism. You people occupy land and are unfit to govern.
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