
Illegal Immigration

because it is one of the laws of our land.

To All Members of Congress,

When I was born in the United States of America, I Iearned at an early age that there were laws made that kept order for all including elected officials to abide by. As I grew up,

I believed in those rules of law and order and was shown by mentors and leaders that that

would forever be the deciding factor of reward and punishment. In our country of today,

according to some of the present leadership that exists on a local and federal level, that example of rule of law has been conveniently and consistently violated for political expediency.

Why would some ask is this happening? The answer is because we allow our leaders to say one thing without their actions actually having to match their words.; or they disregard their behavior for just sheer power and control over their electorate. Whatever would be the case, I and America wish you would all reconsider your points of view on illegal immigration

because it is wrong by law and it is putting a forever drain on our states and our country.

. Is all this country and its states be about is NOW our elected officials consistently looking the other way when it comes the illegality of individuals flowing across our borders and into our states just for the benefits of votes and power for that pathetic standard of leading and governing. I and many millions of Americans are all for immigrants coming to our country but LEGALLY through the naturalization process like all who have come before and not this sneak over the border and into our states and then some of our leaders disregard this with a wink and nod as if to say they are not the problem.

The question still remains, why are all of you involved breaking the rule of law when WE THE PEOPLE of our great country are all the law abiders? It seems to me and many millions of Americans that this policy of our local and federal governments is becoming old and worn out;

not to say the many ways of hardship and suffering it causes its states and the rest of the country. Why won't any of you change your views and act according to the rule of law and not your own personal and political gain? The answers are basically because NO ONE AT ALL is stopping us. What about your concscience and the conscience of your heart to do right for your country which is part of the oath of office that all you have taken either in the existing present or the distant past. Does that not mean anything to your present status of office and how many of you are a total disservice to all law abiding Americans.? It is literally an injustice by all who maintain this attitude of get away with it because I can do it and they can't do anything about it. Its all so shameful and insulting to Americans of what our leadership should forever be.

When the leadership on my state level acts as if it just doesn't matter and just goes on with further disregarding and bypassing the immigration laws set in place, then nothing that Americans and Marylanders sig