
H.R. 589 Emergency Unemployment Compensation Expansion Act of 2011

Help those who have exhausted their benefits and are still unemployed!

My name is Sara and I am a resident of Brooklyn, NY. I have recently lost my job due to outsourcing. Since October, I have sent out over 100 resumes to jobs here in the city I am more than qualified for.

I have been an educational social worker, a corporate retail manager and a property manager throughout my many years of working. I am hard working, well educated and have multiple skills- in short, I am a good candidate for the job market. And yet, I cannot even get a response back from employers, who are flooded with resumes.

I am writing to ask for your support for the bill H.R. 589 (Emergency Unemployment Compensation Expansion Act of 2011.) I am nowhere near using the maximum my benefits allow, but I have become increasingly concerned for my fellow citizen who are out of work, and have exhausted theirs. I understand that finding the money is an issue, but I implore you to come together and find a way to fund this bill. Children are going hungry, families are losing their homes and these people are looking for work. Until we commit to creating all types of jobs for people in this country, until we bring back factories and call centers, until we bring back jobs we have shipped over seas, we have to do something for our people.

This is the greatest country in the world. Our people deserve more, and we can give them more.

Thank you for reading my letter.