
Prayer Back in School's

Hello and Good Day, my name is Mel Stover, We all have tried it without prayer, That didn't turn out to well, the Constitution was founded from the Bible, and with Prayer out of school's there has been more mass shootings, and corruption then ever, WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO GIVE IT TO GOD!! You don't want to OFFEND anyone, well what about the Christian Nation being OFFENDED! Kids learned discipline, prayer may be the only thing a child of a neglected home can come to school and pray and feel comfort, that plants seed's and if you don't plant seed's, well we all know, nothing will grow, The Nation is so corrupt, So Tell me, what it hurts to say a Prayer in the morning to start the day? Nothing, Absolutely Nothing!! Give it Back to God!!! God shall not be Mocked! Please Share and Spread the word, Please have as many people sign this petition, We The People have been called by his name, if we surrender all our pride and turn from our wicked ways, he will hear from Heaven and forgive our sin's, He will heal our land! But it has to START RIGHT HERE! 2 Chronicles 7:14 God Bless!!