Dcs corruption
This is a petition to have past DCS and family court investigated audited and corrected per state and federal laws. DCS fabricated medical documents. Lied under oath. Wrote false documents. Harrassed me and purposely tried to say things to me that where not appropriate
For ex. DCS kept reminding me. That they have custody and I'm judt housing him. They always said. He his their child and not mine. Also my due process and civil rights where ignored and violated
I was not given a fair trial and my appeal attorney has gone AWOL.
I was accused of assault and negligence but no evidence or witness' can prove this. I was found guilty of mental incompetence. Not of the original charges.
DCS created a medical document and diagnosed me with a mental disorder.
No dr or health professional made this it was created from thin air and I have the proof.
The special investigator lied on the stand. Under oath.
Then she left the stand to make a medical appointment and I was unable to cross examine her.
The Attorney general lied and said she spoke with my job and discovered that I wasn't working.
Said she saw my paystubs and spoke with HR.
THIS WAS never entered into evidence amd she said. She's a trusted servant of the state and her eyes and word are as good as a affidavit
The list of wrong doings that I have. Is so remarkably strong.
That I'm just ashamed and disappointed in our system.
This is a petition to have past DCS and family court investigated audited and corrected per state and federal laws. DCS fabricated medical documents. Lied under oath. Wrote false documents. Harrassed me and purposely tried to say things to me that where not appropriate
For ex. DCS kept reminding me. That they have custody and I'm judt housing him. They always said. He his their child and not mine. Also my due process and civil rights where ignored and violated
I was not given a fair trial and my appeal attorney has gone AWOL.
I was accused of assault and negligence but no evidence or witness' can prove this. I was found guilty of mental incompetence. Not of the original charges.
DCS created a medical document and diagnosed me with a mental disorder.
No dr or health professional made this it was created from thin air and I have the proof.
The special investigator lied on the stand. Under oath.
Then she left the stand to make a medical appointment and I was unable to cross examine her.
The Attorney general lied and said she spoke with my job and discovered that I wasn't working.
Said she saw my paystubs and spoke with HR.
THIS WAS never entered into evidence amd she said. She's a trusted servant of the state and her eyes and word are as good as a affidavit
The list of wrong doings that I have. Is so remarkably strong.
That I'm just ashamed and disappointed in our system.
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