
Civil Rights and Religious Freedom in Egypt

Coptic Christians are denied basic human and civil rights everyday in Egypt!

Dear [Sir/Madam],

I am writing to you as a concerned citizen of the United States, regarding the recent incidents in Cairo, Egypt, in which the Egyptian military murdered at least 19 peaceful protesters.

Numerous news outlets have reported on the events of October 9th, 2011. Eyewitnesses, and countless photographs and videos, recount how the Egyptian military used armored vehicles to mow down peaceful protesters. The images of their mangled bodies continue to haunt my conscience.

The Egyptian military receives over $1.3B in aid annually# from the United States. It is abhorring to think that this money is spent in arming a military that uses lethal force against its own people, especially ones who are exercising their God-given right to protest peacefully against injustice done to them. As a tax-paying American, I do not wish for my money to be used in the killing of innocents or the quashing of the democratic aspirations of the Egyptian people.

I ask you and the rest of the United States Congress to push for a full investigation by the Egyptian military to bring all those responsible for this massacre to justice. Absent that, I ask that you work to cut off military aid to Egypt as long as their leadership refuses to comply.

I am counting on you to bring this cause before the Congress of the United States.

Sincerely yours,