
All government officials suborning perjury must lose job and freedom and executed because 22 vets a day die because of 18btitle usc 241 & 242 1983

Just thinking about ,conspiracy is a conviction based on laws .Veteran affairs caused veteran suicide and medical malpractice and willfully suborning perjury. Look at lessons from nam South Vietnam regime destroyed after nam usa democrats failed. Communist aggression usa bowed down to. Nixon resigned and cut assistance in half to nam.. usa provided planes with no parts. Guns with no bullets ,south Vietnam SURRENDERED TO STOP FURTHER BLOODSHED.ANYONE WHP HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH USA WAS SENT TO REEDUCATION CAMPS FOR TEN YEATS. 30 YEARS OF WAR 2 MILLION DEATHS WITH RUSSIA AND CHINA HELP NAM WAS ONE. CAPITALIZM ABOLISHED FAILED DEMOCRATIC POLICIES MI LAI, FREE FIRE ZONES ,RAPE OF JUVINILES ,TORTURE ,GENEVA CONVENTION VIOLATIONS, FALSIFICATION OF BODY COUNTS TO MANIPULATE KILL RATIOSTHE UNIMPORTANTS OF BATTLES LOSEING 1,2 3 PLATOONS, NOTVA SOLDIERS WAR. BUT A POLITICAL WAR. THE BATTLE OF KHE SANH WAS FOR NOTHING. A NOTHING SANDWIXH.. IMMUNITY IS UNCOVER UNCONSTITUTIONAL CRIME.. I TOLD THE VETERANS AFFAIRS YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAW FREE ZONE ,GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD BECAUSE OF EMPLOYMENT TITLE. WE ARE A NATION OF LAWS NOT IMMUNITY ,KINGS OR QUEENS ,WELFARE QUEENS ,CORPORATE WELFARE OR DICTATORS, CORRUPT JUDGES ,THE EXISTANCE OF THE UNITED STATES STEMMED FROM DISLIKE OF KINGS ,DICTATORS ,IMMUNITY AND REPETITIVE AND PERSISTANT FRAUD AND SUBORNING PERJURY MERRICK GARLAND AND DOCTORS AT VA PLEADED GUILTY OF SECTION 242 title 18 usc and 241. This is evidence of abuse and discrimination by president of the usa and va and minions. Attemps to defraud veteran and exploit several officials proceedings false immunity and stop peaceful transfer of benefits and power to get paid for disability benefits by refusing to abide, by law. VA undermined backlog and did underlying crimes in fitherenxe of slavery like accusations of dbrfc and threats against some one is a nothing valley sandwich from an ham and egger.. I assert 1st 2nd 4th 5th 14th constitutional protections and rights. Criminal conduct by president and VA officials is not a febuttable issue and fails short of presumption of immunity criminal conduct does not overcome the presumption of immunity, fake constitutional policies at va. VA has no immunity that any other American has. Private unofficial conduct to undermine duties to uphold sworn testimony is suboening perjury a felony requiring execution becausev22 vets are killed due to va res ipsa Loquitur,Falsus in Ono. VA has general criminal intent to entrapment .Congress westfall act is muriny