Foster parents are killing children
Stop Family Court Corruption.
Full Transparency in courts and CPS or no Federal Funds
Kimberly Howell started this petition to President of the United States and 8 others
Wisconsin Wall of shame
This is Wisconsins Wall of shame, The top picture is Wi gov Tony Evers who’s the head of the state and has had several complaints regarding children that have not been abused and place with foster family’s that are paid abusing your children my 7 yr old granddaughter was never abused and they have no evidance or complaint to counter that however with in 30 days of being removed she can now say she’s been sexually assaulted in her foster home when she should of never been in Fostercare because their were qualified family that wanted her. Wi law requires such incidents be reported to the state and it was not. Only one child’s sexual assault that occurred in manitowoc county and she was 16
Below are foster parents that were given a state Fostercare license to house foster children to keep them safe
I plan to do this with every state so anyone google foster parents charged in your state send me the info as well as a picture of the governor
People are being paid with title 4E federal funds to abuse, beat and kill the children.
CPS say they taking from you to protect.
This current article talks about the global epidemic regarding child abuse. They don’t say they are foster parent they say it their job so they can work from home. Paying foster parents to beat rape and kill the children they are supposed to protect, for which 9 times out of 10 were never abused until they were placed in foster care. The number 1 allegation is neglect, you know why because they don’t need any evidence. CPS gets away with it because they have the privilege of immunity and all this is confidential so the public can’t hold them accountable…Then there are times knowing a child has said they were abused they leave them in the home. I was a foster parent the child accused me of abuse and they still would have let her stay with me because they had no where for her to go. I said she can sleep at the hospital if she claims abuse she should be at a hospital. I’m not taking her.
Sexual Abuse: An Epidemic in Foster Care Settings?
• » Who Can Be Held Responsible for a Sex Crime?
• » Consequences of Being Convicted of a Sex Crime
• » Sexual Abuse Victims Legal Rights and Resources
• » Have You Been Falsely Accused of a Sex Crime?
• » Legal Guide to Cybersex Crimes
• ⇒ Sex Crimes Involving Children
• » Prostitution and the Law
• » Indecent Exposure and the Law
• » How Can A Lawyer Help Me in a Sex Crime Case?
Children who have unstable homes are often placed in foster homes. This placement may occur because the home life is volatile. Often, foster care is treated as a temporary solution while the parent or parents in the home work on problems to later become reunited with their children. However, children may be raped, molested or sexually abused in these settings.Prevalence of the Problem
Approximately 530,000 children in the United States live in foster care at any given time. Some of these children are placed in foster care because they have been sexually abused, abused in other ways or neglected. Unfortunately, many of these children are again abused in the foster care setting.
A study by John Hopkins University found that children who are in foster care are four times more likely to be sexually abused than other children not in this setting. Additionally, children who are in group homes are 28 times more likely to be abused than children not living in these homes.
Foster care agencies are often required to follow strict protocol regarding how they vet foster parents and conduct extensive background checks. However, these procedures may not always be followed, or a foster parent may develop ways to get around them. In some cases, a foster care agency may be held liable for harm that befalls the child, such as if the foster care agency was negligent in the child’s placement. However, sometimes foster care agencies are state governmental programs, which may have immunity from such lawsuits. It is important to contact an experienced lawyer to discuss the possibility of pursuing a claim against a negligent foster care
The first picture is of Amber the first transgender to be executed she grew up in a foster home to be abused then adopted to be abused by her adoptive parents made to eat feces makes you wonder how much of her abuse contributed to the crime that put her on death row. This is what that government is turning the children into the adults of tomorrow, but they know so much more about how to raise a well rounded job. Their doing a bang up job.
Meet Ronald Graham this is who Missouri CPS place children with to protect them. There were several complaints regarding him over the yrs and CPS brushed it off as the children were lying. Paving the way for him to have 42 children over the yrs. If anyone lives in Missouri or even if you don’t could someone post this on Missouri fb page
Lock them up. This arrest is in Wausau Wisconsin, but ask Wisconsin Gov Tony Evers Why no one knew or the public were never informed of this. Gov Tony Evers only ever spoke of what happened to 7 yr old Ethen Huschultz. The so called professionals are allowed to take our children to keep them safe and instead kill them. Wake up America no one is immune. They take from doctors lawyers etc…Also ask the Gov in your state how they can possibly know the data of what percentage is actually abused or killed in out of home care when the states are not reporting like required. My 7 yr old granddaughter was sexually assaulted within 30 days of being placed in foster care and was never reported to the state.
Dear President Joe Biden:
Dear Governor Tony Evers (D WI)
Dear Sen. Ronald Johnson (R WI):
Dear Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D WI):
Dear Rep. Glenn Grothman (WI-6):
Dear Representative Nancy Palosi (D California)
Families are being abused by State CPS and Family Courts through out the United States of America, this is a major issue that needs to be addressed, Families that have had their civil rights violated through family court proceedings and the fact that all due process and constitutional rights are violated and manipulated by family court
judges, District Attorneys, and Commissioners of /social services departments as well as CPS workers, and court appointed attorneys that are not working for the clients but have helped incriminate parents. Also of extreme interest, is obtaining names/phone/location of CPS workers who are falsifying or have falsified documents in court and who have lied in a court setting. The people of New York State and the People of the United States of America demand a full investigation of all departments, and the termination of department until further the people also wish to sue for government entrapment as well as a suit brought against the case workers, family court judges, and district lawyers. The People through discovery have found:
1. The imbalance of funding is creating corruption
2. Corruption has filtered through all manner of government and related agencies
3. Judicial decisions violate the public trust
4. Laws are created and passed that give parens patriae unlimited power not provided by the Constitution
5. The pendulum has swung to create a monopoly strategy of funding extracted from dwindling Social Services that have been set up to help families in need is devastating families across America
6. Children's lives are at stake while in the care of government funded agencies, such as rape, sexual abuse, physical abuse and neglect, mental abuse, and statistics show our children are being killed while in government placements out side of the parental home/or close relatives
7. That the states are not following guidelines placing children with relatives but are screening them out using different criteria with foster families, or falsifying documents to entrap parents and not keeping the children in the home with parents but removing the children without due process or any true purpose other then to incriminate parents/family members and to insure family is unfit
8. That pockets of tyranny are going unchecked without recourse
9. Congress local government/ civil and family courts is not responsive to The People
10. That The People have been turned away from civil courts, and from family courts higher court of appeals, only to remain battered and bruised by the tyranny of these local government funded courts as the judges, case workers/commissioners and district attorneys mock the outraged parents and children of which they so willingly strip of their civil rights and liberties
The People are declaring a public health crisis and human rights violation as well as their Civil rights are being stripped and taken from them and their families, as a result of these above atrocities and also In addition, The People find the Parens Patriae to be more than a doctrine but a specialized position created by the government for the government that violates Article 1 Sec 9, 10: No title of nobility or honors shall be granted by the United States. The title extends to the courts, Childrens Administration and public education violating Amendment 14 depriving persons of life, liberty and property without due process. The position applies as a collective.
The People are ordering an investigation of the departments as well as Family courts through out the United States of America and most important in New York State the people of the United States ask that all family court files,case files, court tapes, and videos be put into the investigation, as well as there be a federal lockdown on all CPS and family courts so that no tampering of documents can be done by such agencies, the fact is family court documents will show the fact that they are mishandled and manipulated by these agencies to insure incriminating charges are inevitable and due process is not being carried out, civil rights are violated, all human rights are violated and the United States Constitution is not on the agenda of these agencies. And the people of the United States of America are being abused by these powers.
Mrs. Kimberly Howell
2000 Johnston Dr #25
Manitowoc, WI 54220
The Government is giving federal funds to the states called Title 4E Federal Funding to adopt out children to their foster parents and then they give the adoptive foster parent a check until the child turns 21. What kind of love or care do you think the child is gonna receive if they have to pay them to adopt them.
This is what’s happening in every state in the country, but because Wisconsin calls these cases confidential there’s no checks and balances and there is no way to hold the state or cps accountable. I’m sure there are other states hiding behind Confidentiality. So I want the federal gov to make it a requirement to receive federal funds their courts are required to have full transparency. Or no federal funds. I also want the federal gov to give a contact person we can report it to if this is not being followed or states are abusing the funds. If the parents are abusing their children it should be public, so no one else puts their child in that persons hands. However what happens when cps are the abusers. A 7 yr being sexually assaulted with in 30 days of being removed. It’s never reported to the states like required. Keeping the siblings separated from each other with no contact, cps lying to the court to hide one child and seal her address, I had to hire a private investigator to locate her. Stephanie Willis told the judge R.G wanted his address sealed for fear of imminent danger, which was a lie R.G wrote a letter to the court he never asked his address be sealed and the judge ignored.
what about the emotional trauma to children not able to see any family, not just the one accused of abuse but none of their family. They are being told their family’s don’t want them any more so they are being put up for adoption. They know their sister is living with a grandfather but they are being placed for adoption.
courts file full of lies them self including the Wi appellate courts only go by transcripts what good is that if the corrupt judges go off record every-time they break the law. Or when you file an appeal they stick on a shelf for 2 yrs then issue an answer stating the case is being dismissed because it moot to much time has lapsed. They had no problem taking my 94.00 dollar filing fee and the county received a 60 day extension to submit their brief, further corruption. Peter Conrad Corporate Counselused that 60 day extension to stall the appeal then used that argument to much time has lapsed and it should be thrown out.
saying things happened and all three children had the same story which is a lie not one child’s story was the same and they would know that if they actually gave a damn to listen to the interviews. I will be calling everyone out by name failing these children and creating a wall of shame. So if you have someone you feel should be on the list send me a dm
"I'm writing this because this is something I care about deeply and it won't happen without the support of people like you. Starting a petition isn't something I would normally do, but I was moved to do so because (it’s amazing that criminal cases or any other cases such as evictions all ok for those not protecting child) yet when children are directly involved it’s all secret) children’s cases should be the foremost open to the public. Also interviewing a disabled person with no representative or support staff that is actually trained to understand the child’s deficit. Body cameras should be worn by all social workers and police that are going to be working with children, they could be molesting them. Strangers could be molesting your child and no one would know. I know I'm not alone and together we can make this change happen. Please sign and share!
Currently there’s a big problem with family court and CPS. corruption. I believe if the courts were not held in secret and there were no confidentiality Judges and Guardian ad litems would follow the laws.
currently they deny parents of any kind of due process and they get away with it, because there’s no one to witness them violating your rights. They use the excuse it’s to protect the children. However when they falsified 5 felonies of child abuse against me they released my name, mug shot and a picture of my residence were they protecting the children then. Absolutely not any one that knew me or the place I was living knew what children were involved. They want to keep juvenile and chips cases to protect them from being held accountable.
please sign this petition to send a strong message to gov Tony Evers as well as the rest of the nation. We want our courts open to the public and live streamed on you tube like every other state does. This affects anyone in all 50 states that have children or any case requiring a guardian ad litem.
As long as family courts are kept confidential the courts can continue to rip family’s apart with out ever giving the parents the right to be heard.
my 5 grandchildren were illegally snatched by cps in Dec 2019 I was never given a trial, I was never allowed to testify, call witnesses and cps did none of that as well. They made a bunch of false accusations without ever proving one allegation. They’re traumatizing children for the sole purpose to traffic our children and adopt them out to their foster parents. DON’T FORGET THE PHRASE TITLE 4E Federal Funding. The more children they adopt out the more money they make.
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Full Transparency in courts and CPS or no Federal Funds
Kimberly Howell started this petition to President of the United States and 8 others
Wisconsin Wall of shame
This is Wisconsins Wall of shame, The top picture is Wi gov Tony Evers who’s the head of the state and has had several complaints regarding children that have not been abused and place with foster family’s that are paid abusing your children my 7 yr old granddaughter was never abused and they have no evidance or complaint to counter that however with in 30 days of being removed she can now say she’s been sexually assaulted in her foster home when she should of never been in Fostercare because their were qualified family that wanted her. Wi law requires such incidents be reported to the state and it was not. Only one child’s sexual assault that occurred in manitowoc county and she was 16
Below are foster parents that were given a state Fostercare license to house foster children to keep them safe
I plan to do this with every state so anyone google foster parents charged in your state send me the info as well as a picture of the governor
People are being paid with title 4E federal funds to abuse, beat and kill the children.
CPS say they taking from you to protect.
This current article talks about the global epidemic regarding child abuse. They don’t say they are foster parent they say it their job so they can work from home. Paying foster parents to beat rape and kill the children they are supposed to protect, for which 9 times out of 10 were never abused until they were placed in foster care. The number 1 allegation is neglect, you know why because they don’t need any evidence. CPS gets away with it because they have the privilege of immunity and all this is confidential so the public can’t hold them accountable…Then there are times knowing a child has said they were abused they leave them in the home. I was a foster parent the child accused me of abuse and they still would have let her stay with me because they had no where for her to go. I said she can sleep at the hospital if she claims abuse she should be at a hospital. I’m not taking her.
Sexual Abuse: An Epidemic in Foster Care Settings?
• » Who Can Be Held Responsible for a Sex Crime?
• » Consequences of Being Convicted of a Sex Crime
• » Sexual Abuse Victims Legal Rights and Resources
• » Have You Been Falsely Accused of a Sex Crime?
• » Legal Guide to Cybersex Crimes
• ⇒ Sex Crimes Involving Children
• » Prostitution and the Law
• » Indecent Exposure and the Law
• » How Can A Lawyer Help Me in a Sex Crime Case?
Children who have unstable homes are often placed in foster homes. This placement may occur because the home life is volatile. Often, foster care is treated as a temporary solution while the parent or parents in the home work on problems to later become reunited with their children. However, children may be raped, molested or sexually abused in these settings.Prevalence of the Problem
Approximately 530,000 children in the United States live in foster care at any given time. Some of these children are placed in foster care because they have been sexually abused, abused in other ways or neglected. Unfortunately, many of these children are again abused in the foster care setting.
A study by John Hopkins University found that children who are in foster care are four times more likely to be sexually abused than other children not in this setting. Additionally, children who are in group homes are 28 times more likely to be abused than children not living in these homes.
Foster care agencies are often required to follow strict protocol regarding how they vet foster parents and conduct extensive background checks. However, these procedures may not always be followed, or a foster parent may develop ways to get around them. In some cases, a foster care agency may be held liable for harm that befalls the child, such as if the foster care agency was negligent in the child’s placement. However, sometimes foster care agencies are state governmental programs, which may have immunity from such lawsuits. It is important to contact an experienced lawyer to discuss the possibility of pursuing a claim against a negligent foster care
The first picture is of Amber the first transgender to be executed she grew up in a foster home to be abused then adopted to be abused by her adoptive parents made to eat feces makes you wonder how much of her abuse contributed to the crime that put her on death row. This is what that government is turning the children into the adults of tomorrow, but they know so much more about how to raise a well rounded job. Their doing a bang up job.
Meet Ronald Graham this is who Missouri CPS place children with to protect them. There were several complaints regarding him over the yrs and CPS brushed it off as the children were lying. Paving the way for him to have 42 children over the yrs. If anyone lives in Missouri or even if you don’t could someone post this on Missouri fb page
Lock them up. This arrest is in Wausau Wisconsin, but ask Wisconsin Gov Tony Evers Why no one knew or the public were never informed of this. Gov Tony Evers only ever spoke of what happened to 7 yr old Ethen Huschultz. The so called professionals are allowed to take our children to keep them safe and instead kill them. Wake up America no one is immune. They take from doctors lawyers etc…Also ask the Gov in your state how they can possibly know the data of what percentage is actually abused or killed in out of home care when the states are not reporting like required. My 7 yr old granddaughter was sexually assaulted within 30 days of being placed in foster care and was never reported to the state.
Dear President Joe Biden:
Dear Governor Tony Evers (D WI)
Dear Sen. Ronald Johnson (R WI):
Dear Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D WI):
Dear Rep. Glenn Grothman (WI-6):
Dear Representative Nancy Palosi (D California)
Families are being abused by State CPS and Family Courts through out the United States of America, this is a major issue that needs to be addressed, Families that have had their civil rights violated through family court proceedings and the fact that all due process and constitutional rights are violated and manipulated by family court
judges, District Attorneys, and Commissioners of /social services departments as well as CPS workers, and court appointed attorneys that are not working for the clients but have helped incriminate parents. Also of extreme interest, is obtaining names/phone/location of CPS workers who are falsifying or have falsified documents in court and who have lied in a court setting. The people of New York State and the People of the United States of America demand a full investigation of all departments, and the termination of department until further the people also wish to sue for government entrapment as well as a suit brought against the case workers, family court judges, and district lawyers. The People through discovery have found:
1. The imbalance of funding is creating corruption
2. Corruption has filtered through all manner of government and related agencies
3. Judicial decisions violate the public trust
4. Laws are created and passed that give parens patriae unlimited power not provided by the Constitution
5. The pendulum has swung to create a monopoly strategy of funding extracted from dwindling Social Services that have been set up to help families in need is devastating families across America
6. Children's lives are at stake while in the care of government funded agencies, such as rape, sexual abuse, physical abuse and neglect, mental abuse, and statistics show our children are being killed while in government placements out side of the parental home/or close relatives
7. That the states are not following guidelines placing children with relatives but are screening them out using different criteria with foster families, or falsifying documents to entrap parents and not keeping the children in the home with parents but removing the children without due process or any true purpose other then to incriminate parents/family members and to insure family is unfit
8. That pockets of tyranny are going unchecked without recourse
9. Congress local government/ civil and family courts is not responsive to The People
10. That The People have been turned away from civil courts, and from family courts higher court of appeals, only to remain battered and bruised by the tyranny of these local government funded courts as the judges, case workers/commissioners and district attorneys mock the outraged parents and children of which they so willingly strip of their civil rights and liberties
The People are declaring a public health crisis and human rights violation as well as their Civil rights are being stripped and taken from them and their families, as a result of these above atrocities and also In addition, The People find the Parens Patriae to be more than a doctrine but a specialized position created by the government for the government that violates Article 1 Sec 9, 10: No title of nobility or honors shall be granted by the United States. The title extends to the courts, Childrens Administration and public education violating Amendment 14 depriving persons of life, liberty and property without due process. The position applies as a collective.
The People are ordering an investigation of the departments as well as Family courts through out the United States of America and most important in New York State the people of the United States ask that all family court files,case files, court tapes, and videos be put into the investigation, as well as there be a federal lockdown on all CPS and family courts so that no tampering of documents can be done by such agencies, the fact is family court documents will show the fact that they are mishandled and manipulated by these agencies to insure incriminating charges are inevitable and due process is not being carried out, civil rights are violated, all human rights are violated and the United States Constitution is not on the agenda of these agencies. And the people of the United States of America are being abused by these powers.
Mrs. Kimberly Howell
2000 Johnston Dr #25
Manitowoc, WI 54220
The Government is giving federal funds to the states called Title 4E Federal Funding to adopt out children to their foster parents and then they give the adoptive foster parent a check until the child turns 21. What kind of love or care do you think the child is gonna receive if they have to pay them to adopt them.
This is what’s happening in every state in the country, but because Wisconsin calls these cases confidential there’s no checks and balances and there is no way to hold the state or cps accountable. I’m sure there are other states hiding behind Confidentiality. So I want the federal gov to make it a requirement to receive federal funds their courts are required to have full transparency. Or no federal funds. I also want the federal gov to give a contact person we can report it to if this is not being followed or states are abusing the funds. If the parents are abusing their children it should be public, so no one else puts their child in that persons hands. However what happens when cps are the abusers. A 7 yr being sexually assaulted with in 30 days of being removed. It’s never reported to the states like required. Keeping the siblings separated from each other with no contact, cps lying to the court to hide one child and seal her address, I had to hire a private investigator to locate her. Stephanie Willis told the judge R.G wanted his address sealed for fear of imminent danger, which was a lie R.G wrote a letter to the court he never asked his address be sealed and the judge ignored.
what about the emotional trauma to children not able to see any family, not just the one accused of abuse but none of their family. They are being told their family’s don’t want them any more so they are being put up for adoption. They know their sister is living with a grandfather but they are being placed for adoption.
courts file full of lies them self including the Wi appellate courts only go by transcripts what good is that if the corrupt judges go off record every-time they break the law. Or when you file an appeal they stick on a shelf for 2 yrs then issue an answer stating the case is being dismissed because it moot to much time has lapsed. They had no problem taking my 94.00 dollar filing fee and the county received a 60 day extension to submit their brief, further corruption. Peter Conrad Corporate Counselused that 60 day extension to stall the appeal then used that argument to much time has lapsed and it should be thrown out.
saying things happened and all three children had the same story which is a lie not one child’s story was the same and they would know that if they actually gave a damn to listen to the interviews. I will be calling everyone out by name failing these children and creating a wall of shame. So if you have someone you feel should be on the list send me a dm
"I'm writing this because this is something I care about deeply and it won't happen without the support of people like you. Starting a petition isn't something I would normally do, but I was moved to do so because (it’s amazing that criminal cases or any other cases such as evictions all ok for those not protecting child) yet when children are directly involved it’s all secret) children’s cases should be the foremost open to the public. Also interviewing a disabled person with no representative or support staff that is actually trained to understand the child’s deficit. Body cameras should be worn by all social workers and police that are going to be working with children, they could be molesting them. Strangers could be molesting your child and no one would know. I know I'm not alone and together we can make this change happen. Please sign and share!
Currently there’s a big problem with family court and CPS. corruption. I believe if the courts were not held in secret and there were no confidentiality Judges and Guardian ad litems would follow the laws.
currently they deny parents of any kind of due process and they get away with it, because there’s no one to witness them violating your rights. They use the excuse it’s to protect the children. However when they falsified 5 felonies of child abuse against me they released my name, mug shot and a picture of my residence were they protecting the children then. Absolutely not any one that knew me or the place I was living knew what children were involved. They want to keep juvenile and chips cases to protect them from being held accountable.
please sign this petition to send a strong message to gov Tony Evers as well as the rest of the nation. We want our courts open to the public and live streamed on you tube like every other state does. This affects anyone in all 50 states that have children or any case requiring a guardian ad litem.
As long as family courts are kept confidential the courts can continue to rip family’s apart with out ever giving the parents the right to be heard.
my 5 grandchildren were illegally snatched by cps in Dec 2019 I was never given a trial, I was never allowed to testify, call witnesses and cps did none of that as well. They made a bunch of false accusations without ever proving one allegation. They’re traumatizing children for the sole purpose to traffic our children and adopt them out to their foster parents. DON’T FORGET THE PHRASE TITLE 4E Federal Funding. The more children they adopt out the more money they make.
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