Over 23 million students nationwide begin and end their day with a trip on the school bus.
I don't want Social Security Benifits for illegal aliens.
Support for the Enumerated Powers Act, H.R. 450.
Help Stop Universal Health Care Legislation Now
Bring Jobs Back it the USA
Allow all First-Time Home Buyers to claim the $8,000 Tax Credit regardless of the home's previous owner.
7,500 tax credit must be repaid where 8,000 tax credit does not, we need to get congress to change the law
Sign this petition if you are a young person who is concerned about the federal government running up debt that you will have to pay back in the future.
Support FDA Mandatory Medical Marijuana research
This petition has been created for those who beleive that goverment intrusion into health care will distrory the only health care system in the world the truely treats people in need.