Let Congress know what you think about their actions
Sign this petition to get a tax rebate for the government shutdown.
Our government has decided the kidnapping of children does not meet essential requirements to stay open. Sign if you disagree.
Dogs are living in filthy conditions, in stacked travel crates, and dark rooms inside a metal building that has no heating or cooling.
Stop burying controversal items within a bill...
This will unequivocally force members of Congress to reach a deal every year
Congress should defund PBS
Petition to reform Military Veterans Medical processing
Wildlife refuges are a place of safe haven for all species of Wildlife,Mammals,Fish,and Plant life,the very definition of refuge is a place of safety.Please sign this petition and let your representatives know that you oppose the killing or taking of
If the 5 original holidays were set back in place as paid holidays think of the money State and Government agencies could bank